Gillford Totem

I think we might have reached a break-through. tyura thinks the PSA above is the product of some feminist ideology rather than a White House sponsored PSA to support its latest legislation. So, he seems to think that the PSA actually reflects a feminist ideology about men being the only rapists, you know, regardless

Yes. Women are given custody of young children disproportionately over men because a patriarchal society believes they (ie. women) are natural care-givers. Often, the men in question think they are too. When men do sue for custody, they are more likely to get it. Did you know that? Women win custody when they

Give it a rest. We get it. Feminism has ruined your life. The ad is not all things to all people so it's the most insulting thing ever. So what if the ad is only a call to men? Men are the biggest perpetrators of sexual assault and it's mostly against women. So they hit a double or a triple instead of the grand slam

Yeah, right. Insecure, vindictive whiners whose only objective is complete opposition and destruction of "the enemy" will never run out of ammo. At best they might not pick a few less credulous people, but even then I'm doubtful because we've been talking about toxic masculinity for years but still have to listen to

Yeah, you're kinda bonkers.

There's a reason "what about the menz?" exists as a meme in feminist circles, because so often the first thing said in a conversation about rape is "omg, why aren't you talking about men?" One, the video doesn't actually exclude men, two, women are raped. Daughters and sisters and wives are raped. Saying that in no

It's kind of an odd axe to grind. As a man, this ad bothers me not at all and I think it is good to have men talking openly about it. I guess that makes me emasculated or I need a red pill or something in your eyes.

Switch to decaf, bro.

Don't bother trying not to be rude. This person is bonkers and is splitting the most minute of hairs because he chooses to be offended.

Except that the victims are women at the hands of men in absolutely overwhelming numbers. This is like saying that we shouldn't make PSAs on racism towards POC because "everyone experiences racism". Sounds absolutely ridiculous because it is.

I always hate it when women are referred to as "wives, sisters, daughters" too but I hate it because it reduces a woman's worth to her relation to a man. We're people. Good enough reason to not rape us.

I'm glad you don;'t have the capability, personally. Other dudes with penises to (as well as other people, it's true), and this ad is directed at those. But don't mind me, do continue to foam at the mouth for no reason at all.

The OSA can't insinuate that "all men do X" because there are men saying things about not doing X. You're off the rails, mate.

There is no feminist ideology that only men rape.

You have never seen something more insulting than an anti-sexual assault PSA? I understand it should have been more inclusive but you're genuinely more offended by this than, I don't know, actual sexual assault? Yeesh.

This is the most hyperbolic reaction I've ever seen. Heh. Welcome to the spiral of irony.


Cue the idiots making up bullshit reasons why this isn't awesome in 3...2...1...

This was wonderful. Joe Biden's efforts working to end violence against women and sexual assault are going to be some of his most powerful legacies and that's just amazing.

"if she doesn't consent, or can't consent, it's rape."