Gillford Totem

Women are not responsible for men's behaviour.

List them?

Pointing out a certain man said stupid ignorant shit, is not hatin' on men.

No, you're using hateful ignorance to put down a discriminated group. Now. Fuck Off.

It means it happens to all women. Learn to fucking read.

Thanks for you pathetic attempt at silencing women discussing their abuse, proving once again there IS a societal misogynous tendency to lash out at any woman that speaks up.

No, women will not shut up about the abuse enforced upon them. Sorry about that, bro.

Nobody said all men are rapists. BUT, in the mean time, you already derailed the subject, which is the type of aggressions women live through their day, and vilified their reports on their actual life experiences.

Just as there are a number of stay at home moms that don't chose it either.

Nah, you see, berating and laughing at women for their own body issues is what Feminism is all about, don't ya know?

Yeah, porn apologia is all this article needs.

Never mind about that. It's just another misogynistic douche taking out his frustrations in the feme site.

... and this is how porn rots brains.

Hum, hum. The same is felt by plenty of women as well. Only, they don't tend to go out and shoot people because of it.

Not only that, but it actually enforces the notion ALL women are these sub-humans, only good for sex but poor little stupid girls don't know it har-har-har, that are out to turn men's lives in to absolute misery.

Dismiss, dismiss, dismiss.