Gillford Totem

Actually, that prospect gives me agoraphobia. But keep on excusing creeps and harassers, douche.

She might even have sex on purpose, too.

No, it's not true.

It's always so much fun to watch the invasion of veiled and not so veiled misogynistic dude-bro comments whenever the subject is any sort of sexual content directed at women.

And where is that White History Month, already?!

Don't want to hear about how an overwhelming quantity of members of the privileged group you belong to, contribute to the oppression and abuse of disenfranchised groups? Don't go on places where that is exposed.

Is this performance art?

Not sure if troll, or just dumb.

It's her responsibility to know what she's talking about before making a public statement. The fact she's a woman is just a sorry detail. BTW, trying to solidify "hating men" as somehow part of feminism's definitions, is not making whatever point you're trying to make any stronger. Quite the opposite.

I think that, in general, as a society, we should quit it with the tendency to excuse 20 year olds coarse ignorance, as if they were toddlers.

It's not about a "perfect idealized version of a feminist"; it's knowing what the fuck Feminism even is in the first place.

Do they too post delightful blog entries on how they're raping male masseurs?

You're only mad because it's your personal rot being exposed.

It's a misogynistic troll. Let it be. (or dismiss)

Recommended, but you are wasting your time, I'm afraid.

It's a troll.

You know those MRA douches they are talking about on the comments above? This is one of those. Don't soil yourself with it.

Yeah. Much better to repeat to women, for the 100 000 000 time, to check their mini-skirts and not use pony-tails. And in the end, make them responsible for whatever is done TO them anyway.