
"What is our salmon ladder doing in Corto Maltese?"

That is a solid rule.

Oh, I know.

Followed by a worryingly large subset of TV viewers applauding and shouting "we DO get it! We love this show! Humperdoo!"


So you're saying it IS batman?


My best attempt to keep SS on AV BSG reviews:

Farewell Sonia. Your reviews have oft been revelations, and BSG won't be the same without your insights.

yyyyyyes? Because now he has more power over her life and thus…

It doesn't matter who he is, it matters what he's done.

But gaining her (thea's) agency through subservience through Malcolm Merlyn, who inserted himself into Thea's life as a violently dominant figure… and Thea reappears in the show after an absence explicitly seeking and accepting validation through Malcom's eyes.

And ugh ugh ugh UGH I just watched the last minute. NO to Felicity going back to Ray. No no no.

Really difficult for me to give this ep any credit after the "dad I have to tell you… oh nevermind, a pager went off and reminded me you're sick which I already new but ok I'll go back to lying" gimmick

Halloween episode in what, 2 weeks?

GPB is absolutely Say Anything's unofficial sequel.

Spanish Frankenstein sounds like a Tick character. Hero? Villain? Sidekick? I'm not sure.

"Take that, welfare state!"

Batman but without the boring grown-ups. GROAN UPS AMIRITE!?
(cue YCDToTV music)

(cake boss)