
Brek-kek-a-kek… brek-kek-a-kek.. what do we care if the web's a wreck?

Or to a rhythm.

Dang, I was going to catch up and then rewatch along with the reviews.
Now I'll have to "buy the DVDs"

Ugh! I'm furious with this show!
Spent most of the episode still frustrated with the usual pacing problems and flat characters, but still, encouraged - marked improvements from season 1, continuing with the trend in the last few s1 episodes. And especially, delighted with Fitz' arc. Like, wow, we're gonna see him


"I am not the real Tony Soprano. The real Tony Soprano has been retired and living in LaPenta Florida for 23 years".

I'd like to upvote you and this whole review.

How would you write out the teasing sound Joyce makes at Snyder?

Well. I'll have the chicken, please.

There's a trend in this thread of people expressing about Buffy episodes opinions with which I strongly disagree.
I think what I'm trying to say is "na-na-nana-nana"

H Jon Benjamin has a van.
Oz has a van.

I don't see how.

Woah, Lupin, there are limits even here.

The subway version of this sandwich would be…
a parody.

Oh dear. I'll throw the crib door wide for you, you can crawl inside.

This makes me hopeful that Dirk Gently will generate a new TV series every 4-5 years all of them passably watchable and none of them acknowledging the others.

Johnny Depp sold his soul to a lot of people.

Dwarfs are very upsetting.

Out one ear and innuendo, as they say.

Margot and Brendan are even more hilarious for their ubiquitous presence through the show's run, somehow they're the only couple on the streets of New York.