Today, Bethesda is releasing their excellent role-playing adventure Skyrim for Nintendo Switch and VR. It’s a…
Today, Bethesda is releasing their excellent role-playing adventure Skyrim for Nintendo Switch and VR. It’s a…
I don’t think so. It’s certainly rewarding.
Is he just taking a bite out of that fucking Hersheys bar?
Yeah, I don’t care at all about where they place me, just let me feel like I’m working towards something Blizzard! I mean, if I have a 3:2 win-lose ratio, my skill rating should be going up, not down. As it stands, I am reluctant to play, because I could have a winning strak and lose it all in two matches.
Hanzo-ness transcends which character you pick.
Win a match, gain 10 points, lose a match, lose 200 hundred, it’s crazy.
Look folks, this is locker room talk. And quite frankly, and I’m ashamed to admit but it’s a thin. And you hear these things, sad!
I’m going to build such an amazing Ice Wall, believe me, and I’m gonna make Pharrah pay for it.
What has Mercy ever done for this country? She’s not even American. Runs around, healing, which I’m told is “support”, I don’t buy it. Can’t even shoot rockets. Sad!
Only company that matches Blizzard’s polish is Nintendo.
They’re in a league of their own.
Crazy cool stuff.
Tomorrow is a holiday here in Brazil
I know what i’m going to be doing.
Aw yiss
Inside Llewyn Davis? Lost in Translation? What? Are they out of their minds? ILD is not even in the top 5 best Coen movies. It’s not even that good, really.
Russian women are freaking beautiful, if any people in the world were meant to be eldar, it is them.
I usually hate the term “get gud” but cmon man. Stop walking into his hook.
McCree hasn’t been able to melt tanks for over a month now. At most, he can deal around 480 damage, assuming Roadhog doesn’t hook him; 120 short of Roadhog’s 600 health. Moreover, his “takr a breather” skill lets him literally stand still and heal through McCree’s FTH.
They say madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, but I bet your next time doing the same thing will be lucky! Those other people, who vary their character picks and strategies are just quitters.
My worry is that they don’t seem to have learned a whole lot from Human Revolution. Which is a shame.
My feelings on HR (and don’t get me wrong, I loved HR), is that it would be a much better game if it were being played by someone who has no understanding of videogames or how they work. Take the first proper mission,…
I still think it was interesting design in the original Deus Ex that every aug was an either/or situation. When you augment your legs, you can either get super sprint (more useful for pulling off long horizontal jumps to reach alternate paths than outrunning enemies) or you could get very quiet footsteps, but you…
I remember the first time I played the original Deus Ex I struggled to get through just the first area of the game.
Adam Jensen needs a nerf.
Also as a note, if you are interested in learning more about how the system works, I implore you to take a statistics class. Even an introductory one should go over normal curves and it will make more sense as to why the system works.