
In the US, anyhow, it’s really hard to get good mental health help.

Ms. Lee was 4 when her father died. I’m sure she has fond memories, but it’s hard to say she knew him outside of what people have told her.

Your guess at his percentage is not too far off: in the book, Clooney’s character’s grandfather was 1/2, which would make him 1/8th, and while it’s been a while since I’ve watched it the movie may have even added another generation to that. The response you’re getting is also incorrect from both the perspective of the

That dimness in the scene where he’s introduced skiing kills me. After crashing and breaking his leg, he lays there shouting “WHYYYY????!!!” to the heavens, as if the broken leg was some random act of God and not an entirely foreseeable result of jumping off cornices and generally skiing like a maniac.

I love how Chris Klein played his character - sweet, dim, good-hearted and kind of doofy.  His sincere delivery of “I love you, even though you’re adopted” to his sister always cracks me up.

Was the writer alive in the 90's? People didn’t start being worrying about Roe v. Wade being overturned in the 2020s, and Dobbs wasn’t the first post-Roe case to address the topic of abortion.

Bravo on completely missing the quite basic point of Citizen Ruth. 

He made several, so it’s not likely.

The villain is Billionaire Rocket Scientist/Social Media CEO...Arthur Eye...who’s distinguishing characteristics are he has an eye patch and he’s (twist) an AI hologram gone rogue

“Now, pay attention, Bond. You can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape, so if you have one Astro Ape and three slurp juices you can create three new apes.”

And AI. AI is big now. Damn, Mission Impossible beat us to that one!”

Who’d a thunk the guy who wrote “I Love Little Girls” would prove to be problematic?

Seriously, what an awful attempt at stoking outrage this headline is. A man has the right to express his preference about an abortion—even if it’s a very strong preference. And a woman has every right to either take his opinion into account, or to ignore it completely.

How about Dave Grohl doing David F Pumpkins along with Tom Hanks?

Yeah, I think supporting a woman’s right to choose does not require us to think that the man in the relationship must withhold all views about whether to terminate the pregnancy. The ultimate choice should be (and apparently was) Spears’, but Timberlake is another person the choice would have a dramatic effect on, and

Why rank all the films of a director who is doomed to obscurity?

Yep. 10 million subscribers at $10/month gets you a slick $1.2 billion a year. Operational costs aren’t cheap cheap, but as long as you’re not overbuying content and projecting exponential growth in perpetuity, that’s a frickin’ great business.

I’m in the minority in thinking The King of Comedy is the best film he ever made. It’s a bit more restrained visually, but it’s such an incredible pitch black comedy with possibly De Niro’s finest, least showy performance.

It’s just a shame, that according to AV Club, Scorsese’s work will be largely forgotten because it is nothing but a celebration of “toxic masculinity”. Meanwhile, apparently, Eternals will replace Citizen Cane as the go-to movie for film school students to study.

Fucking hysterical that MCU fans have to circle the wagons and write a hit piece against anyone that dares have even the slightest criticism of their inviolable franchise.