
Mencken asked for ATN to call the election and in exchange, he wouldn’t kill the deal, not that they would preemptively do it to curry favor with him.

We might be talking cross-purposes here.

Jimenez wasn’t going to quit. ATN calling Wisconsin and Arizona (and thus the election) for Mencken was designed to curry favor for him since they believe that he’d be more apt to kill the Waystar-GoJo deal than Jimenez would (especially since they already know that Shiv is in

The thing about Gore and Florida is that Florida was called before the polls closed, and was called for Gore. The news retracted it, then called it for Bush. That’s when Gore initially conceded, then when the news retracted it again (“too close to call”), Gore took back his concession.

Further, just like a news entity

I think Roman is supposed to be seen like the German—and indeed English and American and so on—industrialists who supported the Nazis without actually personally sharing Hitler’s mysticism and such. All they really needed was a combination of believing Hitler and the Nazis would be good for their economic interests,

Is there a difference between a true believer and someone riding on the back of a movement who doesn’t drink the Kool-Aid in private? Well, yeah, in the sense that I just described two different things. (“Is there a difference between a pentagon and an octagon?”)

I don’t know, but they might talk like that if they’re not particularly ideological and only care about money. It’s plausible super rich people might accurately describe the fascist right wing and corporate Dems since it’s common knowledge for any one who follows the news that both exist. That they’re the sons of a

It helps that the show is a Robert Downey Jr. passion project - he was originally going to star in it and he's still producing it. Keeping a good relationship with a top A-lister is good business and it's the kind of show that hopefully will help fill up the award cabinet.

I think you're on point with her ATN discomfort. She wants to jettison it so hard.

Agreed. I think Shiv handled herself well, and maybe Matsson was impressed with her, and maybe-maybe the blood story is real, but more than anything I think he’s just looking for a back channel he can dump the minute the deal is signed.

The Brady Bunch movie rocked.

Wait are you saying you didn’t like the Brady Bunch movie?!

The kid might have fluffed it up using ChatGPT.

Not quite.  What Kael did was literally ask for research from someone and never give them credit, passing it off as her own and even altering parts of the research to fit her conclusions.  Tarantino is greatly inspired by a wide range of films and many of his movies hem close to them, but there's always something

Nah, they’re just trying to make sure that people have to pay for two months of Netflix in order to watch one season of a show. 

Heck, we can go all the way back to HBO breaking up sixth and final season of The Sopranos, but the gap between the two parts was a reasonable whole year.

You don’t know that!

An article about correcting mistakes on a site that rarely corrects its own mistakes. I’m going back to bed.

The five year gap!

I agree with you about Man Men. To me, the quality never dipped. The character development and story is of the highest quality. I get something new every time I re-watch it. 

Yeah, people still won’t go into detail over what Joss Whedon was up to, though we do know is pretty damning.