Then I can’t stop either.
Will you stop if I do?
Every time I try to troll -you do the troll patrol so I can’t do it anymore. Stop snitchin Beets.
Now, I know you don’t do your “I hate white people” schtick in the real world. This place is an outlet for you or something?
What about your trolling? It fucking blows.
Those are good too.
I do the edibles.
Smoke weed everyday.
Man you are so right Beets. The white people on this website suck. They think they know everything.
I don’t have any friends right Beets.
Why are the white people that live in Portland and Canada so annoying Beets? They all act like they are friend to the black man, however they really don’t ever see any black people?
I’m gonna try and keep this one.
Going with the copy and paste trolling today Beets? Not a bad strategy. I do from time to time.
Or he could be a big pussy?
Who knows? I know some guys that would put up with it forever. Unfortunately, she isn’t the type to stay single for too long.
She looks good. There is always some desperate loser who will put up with it. She has a kid.
Goddamn I would slap the shit out of that white bitch Beets. That’s the kind of shit that makes white folk look bad.