
Skintimate is the worst. Who thought that was ever a good idea? However you can rip my EOS Vanilla Bliss shaving cream out of my cold, dead fingers. Conditioner is a good go-to in a pinch.

Right? She must be fucking cool. I need her to teach a dating/life master class.

I'm so in to this Sandra/Chris thing. You do you guys.

UGH. The desperation to be acknowledged by the tabloids/popular media/all of it makes me sad. She looks tired, and so out of touch. Girl, go take a nap and eat a cookie. Forget about the cameras. It's NOT WORTH IT.

I can't remember the last time I laughed during New Girl

Seriously. I can't even tell you the number of times I put on leggings this year and wished they were stirrup pants. (Things I never thought I'd say 10 years ag0).

Noosa was my favorite find until I read the ingredients list. But seriously, the Strawberry Rhubarb is the freaking best.

Somehow I got Sporty Spice, which is probably the Spice Girl I identified with *least* as tween. Ginger Spice 4ever.

ME three!

Agree. The concept was fascinating. I wish they would have spent more time developing and talking about that.

Going back and re-reading it that way. Perfect.

Maybe my expectations were too high based on reviews, but I was actually kind of underwhelmed by the book. It started out super confusing, and then got really interesting, and then fell off for me at the end.


That's totally the kind of stuff I do for a living - the ecomm/marketing/branding part. However, put me in front of a sewing machine, and I'm totally at a loss.

Ooooh what else do you make? I'm working on investing in quality clothes, and putting a stop to buying cheap ass shit.

With Matttt Damonnnn as Robin? I could get behind that in a major way.


Hahahaha I binge-watched this show a few years ago (I'm 27). When I was little all I wanted was to be a mermaid. It's why I even ended up being a competitive synchronized swimmer for 6 years (get your goddaughter into it - best thing I ever did!).

My summer brain is kicked in to overdrive. I've gone from contemplating quitting my job and traveling, to actually making concrete plans to quit my job and travel. Or at least switch to independent contracting and moving across the world for awhile.

I *was* endlessly sad that Free Agents was canceled. Get out of my brain. She's surpassed Judy Greer for me as the actress I would most like to be besties with.