this is why we voted for trump

Does anyone even know why HB2 was passed? I doubt it.


Athletes get shit on all the time. They always get punished more for the same offense. Three high school guys get caught drinking (one plays football). All three get suspended from school, but the FB player also gets kicked off the team. Isn’t that more punishment than the other two? It happens all the time.

Just like Obama supporters who thought they were going to get their mortgages paid. If Bernie had won, we could say the same about him paying for college tuition.

and he got the ultimate participation trophy. the one with the knee up and stiff arm down.

Apparently you don’t understand how the economy works and why our jobs have gone to other countries. Do you really think that someone should be able to make a refrigerator in another country, ship it across the world, and it be cheaper than if it were made in the USA. Shipping cost should far outweigh labor cost

I’m shocked to see an Anti Trump article on Deadspin.

No...I teach my daughters that they can be anything they want and I have built wisdom and confidence in them to defend themselves....intellectually or physically if need be.

Another person who insults me simply because I voted for Trump. Here is why I voted for Trump.