
What I liked best about the booing is how quick it started and how loud it was—the announcer hadn’t even gotten to the J in “president donald j trump” before the boos started. Less than two seconds after his face appeared on the screen. And it didn’t let up until the booth cut back to the vets.

Oh like that crowd was even from southeast DC. This is the World Series, after all. Which makes the booing far more damming.

“The look on Trump’s face when he realized this wasn’t a Trump rally”

People keep making this point under the assumption that a World Series game was attended exclusively by people who live within 20 minutes of the stadium. I live on the VA/NC border and have friends who drove five hours to go to game 4. It’s not just DC natives.

It’s not as if many people from the hood can afford WS tickets. Those boos came from people with money.

My favorite was the clip where the crowd cheers the troops, boos the president and then cheers someone else over the course of about 30 seconds.

It’s really the opposite.  It’s amazing his handlers would allow him out in public like this knowing how much he’s hated outside his little bubble.

Yeah, but you gotta figure that the folks who are attending a World Series game are reasonably affluent, especially in the suite sections where Trump was. And as they announced the death of the ISIS leader that morning (with Trump personally performing the five finger exploding heart technique on the guy), maybe he

I can’t believe it has taken this long for him to appear in public.

I honestly feel like something like this will be what brings him down. Not legal issues, or ethical will be something like a crowd booing and wounding his fragile little ego that will cause him to quit and let the world know, arms crossed and lip sticking out, that he didn’t want to be president

As Chris Rock said “there are black people who aren’t even born yet who won’t vote for him.”

There's huge amounts of writing from feminists about how "don't criticise women" is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the principles that are supposed to guide the movement tbh

It’s also a double standard. So she should be valorized for being a mom while having a high-powered, well-benefited job, yet poor single mothers who work minimum wage were ‘irresponsible’ etc etc and so forth.

DUHHHHH what Sanders isn’t acknowledging is that if we were giving her passes just because she’s a woman, that is the OPPOSITE OF FEMINISM. Feminism means we get to hold you to the same standards and guess what - woman or not, you’re still full of shit Sarah!!!!!! As a feminist, I feel empowered being able to spot

Also get that “I’m a mommy” bullshit out of here. It doesn’t make you a better person or a better woman no matter what the shithole household you grew up in says. It also doesn’t make you immune from criticism. Sorry, salty childfree lady here that is tired of mommies trying to make their motherhood their get out of

Also, newsflash: women can be misogynistic, sexist, and participate in totally anti-women work for a living. 

I’ll never forget back in 2008 getting into an argument with a dude who believed he caught liberals in a deep gotcha moment over Sarah Palin. His argument was essentially:

Women attack her relentlessly because she’s a bigoted, racist, anti-feminist, anti-American, anti-journalism partisan hack who shouldn’t have ever held the position of WH press secretary. As you said, she can go fuck herself.

Unfortunately, she continued: “I’m only the third woman and the first mom to ever be the White House press secretary, and yet women attack me relentlessly instead of being proud that we have more women doing those types of jobs.”

Best I can figure...