
I experienced a lot of this kind of behavior as a very young woman - throughout my teens, boys I hardly knew would write emails not unlike the above examples (minus the cognac part) and it was NOT flattering. It was mildly frightening. By the time I hit legal drinking age, I’d developed a pretty good outer shell and

That sounds exhausting. Why do men get to spill their feelings all over women? It's work. Let it just be work.

SO MADDENING. The sense of entitlement. The gall.

The comments on the NYTimes article are stomach churning. “IT’S A COMPLIMENT” “Why doesn’t she just say no?” “Women sleep their way to the top all the time!” “Pretend you have a boyfriend and they’ll leave you alone”


Between this and reading about the harassment that female Jeopardy contestants experience, on top of my best friend being sexually harassed by her boss, I am now convinced that men are mostly disgusting.

Watching Spotlight made me realize that certain systems are fertile ground for rape and sexual assault. I believe fraternities are one of those systems.

#NOTALLFRAT-nevermind, I can’t do this anymore. As a society, can we just admit that yes, it is all fraternities and do away with this bullshit institution once and for all?

Good for this girl for being brave enough to report right away. It’s hard to do and so extremely brave. Because she did reported, she and other women have a chance at justice.

So if you don’t want to get raped, don’t leave your house because there are rapists everywhere. But also, don’t be afraid of getting raped when you go out because that’s insulting to men

Ehhhhhhh, as an artist and graphic designer myself, this sounds like bullshit. I mean, a silhouette of a particular flower? How many different kinds of artwork feature extremely similar renderings of maple leaves, or lotuses, or hibiscus flowers? I can see someone coming up with both of those designs completely

Am I the only one that thinks those aren’t the same?

Pay attention ladies: the newest tactic to silence you is the defamation suit.

My niece (one of my favorite people on the planet) is graduating from high school in a few short months and will start college in the fall to start training for a career in sports medicine. She is a coach’s kid and loves (but doesn’t play) sports. In our little local world she is protected by the privilege of being

She didn’t deserve what happened to her. No matter how much you hate her and her former employer.

When I moved in September I decided to try life without cable. I subscribe to and go to friends when there is a game on I want to watch. I haven't watched a minute of ESPN in six months and I don't miss it one bit.

That’s some serious BULLSHIT, ESPN. You have all your commentators, throw-up about how female victims should be treated, and this is how you treat one of your own?

Hey, question. Do we really NEED ESPN anymore? Maybe we can cut cords and stop watching and these shitheels will fade away, huh?

I’m a female. I like sports. But it seems like everyday I hear a story about how trivialized women are in sports, in sports “relationships", and now, even broadcasting. dammit.

I recently canceled my cable TV and signed up for Sling TV so I could still get ESPN. This seriously has me rethinking that decision. It’s so goddamn disgusting. Her word should have been enough.