
...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

That poor, poor girl. She’s fucked up for the rest of her life. I hope she will decide to get some real good therapy after this show.

I just feel bad for Courtney, because in the SCARY BACKWARDS WORLD she is forced to live in, Doug is actually probably a safer person to be around than her own mother.

How can you possibly have a relationship to a woman who basically sold you off to a 50 year old man when you were 16 years old? 50 is old enough to be her father, if not her grandfather, and Plus he is wealthy and “famous” so...yeah. It’s not like she was 18 and out on her own making her own (terrible)

We all knew that her parents were, to put it simply, evil for cooperating in this abuse of a minor. But the “courtship” soliloquy makes it sound like they were ACTIVELY trying to sell a child bride off to the highest bidder so I’m not sure how they aren’t in jail.


Somewhere nick lachey and Vanessa minnillo are cackling at how this panned out for Live!

Yes—this. Mostly/sort of related, I went to a charity event (sort of—I paid $10 cover for a bar and the money went to a pit bull charity) and my boyfriend bought me a t-shirt that has the charity name on it. Someone actually got mad at me that I would buy a t-shirt from this charity that doesn’t help ALL dogs. Like,

I have such a love-hate relationship with M.I.A. While I find a lot of her music fun and interesting, when she’s speaking in interviews she is CONSTANTLY putting her foot in her mouth. Beyonce used the superbowl mega platform to discuss an issue she is personally affected by. I don’t expect her to be the ambassador

God I loved Prep. It was like a play by play of every thought going through my self concious, egocentric, teenage mind. However prep was only interesting because of sittenfeld’s writing style, the story itself was anticlimactic and only worked because you weren't looking for a climax.

The (darkly) hilarious part is that the Sandy Hook truthers can imaging a world where the EEEVIL GUBBERMINT is full of mustache twirling villains happy to make up a bunch of fake kids to pull a massive fake flag, but don’t have the brains to realize a government that evil could also just ... shoot the kids. It’s a

May he always have low battery. May his socks slip down his feet. May he always need to sneeze but never quite manage it. May he shart whenever he farts. May he step on lego.

Well you can understand his claims given how all guns everywhere were banned as a result of Sandy Hook.

I still find it incredible that Anna Wintour, a person who wears the most horrible outfits imaginable, is some bastion of what taste and style is. Her haircut hasn’t changed in decades, she wears the same makeup regardless of it being day or night and literally the only thing that changes on this husk of a human is

Everything about this woman is boring. I can’t even say she’s vanilla, because vanilla is actually delicious.

Also fuck people who think they have a deep connection with wild animals and can communicate with them.

The vast majority of zoos in the US 1) function primarily on donated funds and with a large contingent of volunteer staff, 2) go into debt accepting, caring for, treating, and housing abused, ill, and abandoned exotic animals, and 3) are the last-stop for endangered species.

Yes, just like Seaworld. It is all about the conservation. Even if we accept your premise that zoos do engage in conservation efforts, it can still be true that zoos are exploitive and far from the best means to promote conservation. Sanctuaries and wildlife preserves are also able to promote conservation of a

They come from a long tradition of brutal exploitation, so many people do not trust this new raison d’etre.

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.