Yellowface is yellowface even if it’s CGI.
Yellowface is yellowface even if it’s CGI.
Ugh posted before I could finish but, it’s amazing news because the female plays twins and the male is the love interest of the “sporty” twin.
Wait, so not a single adult here watches Liv and Maddie? I watched all of season 1 on Netflix (with my tween neices) and it's actually not heinous. This is amazing cuz the
I love Dove Cameron and whatever her fiancée’s name is because they're on an adorable Disney show that isn't gross and completely inappropriate for my kid to watch, and nobody's found her passed out in a gutter in LA yet. Yay, Dove! Plus, girl can sing.
No, just that “Mercado” means market.
No one knows for sure.
Ugh, someone tell me who they are so I don’t have to click the link and hate myself for it.
The Abercrombie & Fitch live window mannequins are *tying the knot*?!
I only know them from “Liv and Maddie.”
Yeah, the criticism I always hear is that she only does “fat jokes” or “fat humor”. Except she doesn’t, really. She does jokes and humor while existing in a fat body.
Spy is legit one of her best movies and I like them all. But Spy is on a different level it really.
RIGHT??? Jerry Seinfeld literally only plays Jerry Seinfeld. No one has ever said “Jerry Seinfeld is a failure”
I have so many friends who refuse to see spy (this movie specifically. They want to see The Boss and Ghost Busters.) for this reason. They think she’s playing the same character and they won’t listen to me when I say that Spy is ah-may-zing. Amazing. I will admit that it is similar (also I don’t care because it’s…
Will Ferrell rarely challenges himself but when he does (stranger thsn fiction being the best example) it can be amazing...
I’ve made that criticism myself a couple times, but it had more to do with me thinking she’s better than the material she’s getting. Like Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell have never done anything for me so they can go on making stupid movies I don’t care about. Bc clearly I’m the center of the universe.
Also, on July 12th be sure to pick up my tell all Bears: A Serial Listener Who Remembers, Like, a good 60% of what happened but only about 25% of the Names Involved but still makes “There’s a Shrimp Sale at the Crab Crib” Jokes.
What a weird strawman argument to fight. Who are these people who think that mothers and “businesswomen” don’t have sex? A) How do you think she became a mother in the first place? B) Since when does having a job preclude sex? Just such a strange thing to say.
First time commenter, that’s how badly I wanna share my story.