
“Colonizer” is clever, but “Racist” seems to be the only one that gets their hackles up.

This was my favorite book as a kid, which was long ago when we rode our dinosaurs to school. I read it to both my (now adult) kiddos; I’ve longed for a faithful adaptation of this gorgeous story.

She’s not even this defensive about gun control, generally —it’s all over a fucking discount!!

I know, an “attack”? It’s the withdrawl of a perk, not a punishment.

Delta like any company can move and make some other city its hub. Does this idiot realize that there are so many cities that give Delta anything they wanted and probably offer to pay Delta to come to their city? He will change his tune soon enough, GOP principles have been sold and bought for much less.

Disney has been at the forefront of tech in art. For example, they were one of the first studios, possibly the first, to use a multi-plane camera to provide depth of field and differential scenery motion in its animated films. I also highly recommend looking for videos by Disney Research. They do robotics, kinematic

Welcome to Kinja..home of overreacting.

Alright — “glaring” is a bit much, even if true...

I appreciate your critque here of President Obama. I too gave him the wide girth due to the white gaze. And now he is not constrained by the office is still giving us a wagging finger and tsk tsk for not being respectable kneegroes. You didn’t slap my Momma but if my Momma acted a whole fool she would get it verbally.

Thank you for keeping it all the way real. I didn’t forget the way Hillary Clinton avoided BLM and the super predator questions. Young Black voters were pretty much ignored or ridiculed by both parties.

You are right on target.....but we must keep on fighting.....

The world does feel this way, so we have to continue to fight and not give up. I know this is not the perfect answer but this is the way that it is............

The difference is that most kids in his positon who aren’t white would not and have not gotten the same special attention from the media.

Nah, you vote for Trump because you have a rancid dog turd where your soul should be.

Sorry, I reserve the bulk of my empathy and emotional energy for people who get needlessly fucked over because their skin isn’t the right shade, they don’t love the right people, they don’t speak the right language, they don’t worship the right god, or they don’t identify with the right gender, because we aren’t

What you’re crazy! All middle schoolers use perfect grammar when spray painting someones house in the middle of the night.

How much sense does it make for those kids to beat his a$$ at school, and then find their way over to his house to spray paint slogans, using words Black people haven’t used in decades.

Somebody once told me it came from “whip cracker”, not the food. Which seems dubious, but would undoubtedly make the word far more insulting. Then again, if you have to EXPLAIN why your insult is insulting, it really has zero power.

I’m white and cracker doesn’t bother me. I mean, we can be a bit bland and salty sometimes.

It’s not even as offensive as cunt, and I’m in favor of deploying the “c” word when appropriate. (Por ejemplo, Betsey DeVos is a cunt. So is John Kelly. Both cunts.)