
I was just talking to a friend about this, I’m super excited about this film but everyone be careful when going to your shows. Since these asshole will try someway of fucking it up.  

I only had 1 gym teacher who didn’t look like they were turning; male or female, into the same, dried up, ashy white dude.

Can’t wait until they find out that Kathy is really just a man in a bad wig.

As much as I loathed PE, I don’t use that little homily because it insults all the brilliant and hardworking teachers I know. And I know a few, having come from an family full of educators.

School policy, or constitutional right?

You’re a piece of shit Ajit.

Now playing

I’ve heard tepid responses about them specifically how they talk about white guys a lot. I tried a couple clips and I wasn’t all that impressed but I read it as a vapid, shallow California type of thing. Later I learned the other girl is from Cleveland. I say other girl because I find her humor to suffer from being

While I agree with you, we are caught in a quandry..

And that account dragging 45 is beautiful, seeing as how Douglass is being recognized more and more.

White people who say this shit geron my damn nerves. They’re the ones who invented the concept, created a caste system because of it, subjugated entire peoples because of it, harped in it til kingdom come from the biggest to the tiniest ways possible, and finally when it’s not fashionable to be racist (out loud)

“White people don’t think about race much at all.” Except when coming on to The Root to post gaslighting comments in a feeble attempt to exercise dominance over black people and playing dumb when we black folks get wise to your game.

Would be a shame if someone found Patricia Cummings of Middle School 118, Bronx, New York City, New York state, and stepped on her goddamn back.

First I was like

Depression does not care who you are.

I don’t either but this makes my blood boil, so I dread to think what would happen to these little shits if I got anywhere near them.

Turning their backs would have been excellent.

I said this yesterday; fuck doing the right thing. Fuck showing up. Fuck paying Trump the tiniest of respects. Fuck it. Not a single one of them should’ve showed up.

Unlike our President, I was joking only, I meant no disrespect (Nigerians wouldn’t be caught dead at the Cheesecake Factory)

I volunteer to nail him up there.