
Thanks! I miss him still. He wouldn’t do good today, he was a vocal defender of justice, and Trump would’ve killed him, all this shit. He would have a stress heart attack.

Go work with a rural crew in homebrew meth country and he can go run in with his hazmat suit and save the armed paranoid tweaked out psychotic white meth heads from their exploding bathroom while getting shot at in a cloud of toxic vapors. On a side note, why is it that white people(of which I am one) who are

Not to be racist about men who look like the stupidest of the three little pigs, but why do they ALL look like that? Little tiny nose, little piggy eyes, extra chins, skin the texture and color of spoiled milk, and an overall smugness that I’d like to smack off his greasy face. Yeah, single is no surprise, he hasn’t

Counterpoint: the dog is his wife.

Fuck this disgusting pig son of a whore. My grandfather was the first fire chief in his northern Indiana city to invite two black firefighters on the force. He was harassed and threatened by some of his ‘brothers’ for years. The littlest shit set off these guys, like when my grandpa would offer to have everyone

That’s it. That’s enough for today. Bye, y’all. Enjoy your weekend. Don’t drink and drive and don’t get pregnant unless you want to.

I’d make whoever did it eat every single banana. Out of the trash.

“Bias-related”? No. I think I’ll go with hate crime. And for all of the people who want to parse this and say “what crime was actually committed”? I’ll go with “against humanity”. As a parent, this fills me with rage. It’s scary enough sending your kids away from home, and then this. And when THEIR FELLOW STUDENTS are

You are “free” because you sold your soul to white supremacy, not because of any virtue of America. Your “freedom” comes at the expense of people like us, regardless of whether or not you were born here. Black and Native peoples were here long before Irish and Italians, and yet they were accepted into whiteness

“Free” as in equal rights and treatment by the government and society. I understand that your idiocy would cause you to interpret that literally, so perhaps I’ll just let you off with a warning to not come for me. I have little desire to show mercy to a racist invading a space for my people and telling me to leave the

But what does Sarah hucklebuck Sanders think? Fire Jemele but I’m this dumb white lady “teacher” should keep her job. I hope that sweet girl’s Aunt Betty finds out the name of that teacher. This is my Friday prayer.

It might not be fair, and it might not solve the problem, but whenever a community of people finally decides to stand up to their oppressors, no matter how bloody, ugly or out of control it may get ...

White people. I’m now convinced the ones that don’t are a very small exception.

Depends on the state and district, but yeah, in many places it’s a dead ender job that is basically another place a middling skilled white person can go to get a job for life. Kind of like the police.

It took them six years to “settle” this case...

If this happened to my child I don’t know that I could keep myself from going up to the school and slapping the taste out of her stupid mouth.

These are the questions that keep me up at night

Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.

...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me: