
Yeah well when a gang of THUGS break into your house don’t call the heroes in blue, call a lumberjack, LIBTARD!!!!

Thank you, it’s all so tiring isn’t it? Watching yet another distraught Black family have no choice but to entrust the system to find justice for a loved one. Sometimes I think we are the most patriotic people in this freaking country because we just keep pushing, hoping for the right outcome over & over.

If Black people were as violent as white america fantasizes about, there would be slaughtered cops every other day.

Well of course they need observation, they might feel bad because they didn’t succeed in killing the guy.

LOL- I lived in that neighborhood this past fall, that WF is very welcome there actually. That brand has also lowered its prices somewhat, giving serious competition to my beloved Trader Joe’s.

Thank you. Never mind that the wayward 16 shots that did not hit Stephon could have hit someone else also. If you or I sprayed bullets everywhere we are rightfully going to jail, even if no one is hurt. smdh

Totally understood and my apologies if i came across like the convo police because I am not. I have replied back to that kind of trash before because of their gall to try and police thought sane, rational people. And yeah, the second part of your comment are like the GOP crowd who harped on President Obama’s

Please don’t bring that violent, racist fucker out of the greys again. I totally get wanting to dispute a purposely ignorant cretin, but they are not here to be educated-only to use this platform as a trash dump, and tone police Black people.

Excellent point, yet another hypocrisy from that horde. And their candidate WON, why are these paranoid bastards still worried about a tyrannical government?! They are going to riot when T-Rump is removed from office.

Exactly- that ‘why didn’t he comply’ regardless of the circumstances has become their go to mantra for all of these tragedies. The willingness to accept that Stephon was the suspect is telling. One white guy on social media was arguing with someone about the # of shots fired, blathering on about how Stephon was “only

ITA. I truly don’t understand why some Black people get defensive when this topic is brought up. It’s like they think it’s unseemly to question why young Black activists have not received this same level of acknowledgement. It makes me think about how there was resistance from some Black people during the civil

No joke-I have wondered about White people like yourself, and how you turn out to be rational, decent human beings who see through the racist, colonizing, genocidal bs.

And even that is a lie to cover their insecurities and evil. Dylan Roof claims he murdered in an effort to protect White women, and the first person he massacred was a Black woman in her 80's. Their hatred has no rhyme nor reason.

Too late, but i refused to click the links. Gleaned this part from the previews though: “That race whose males will not fight to death to keep and mate with their females will perish.”

Don’t be so insensitive to the plight of White America, cdawg14. You know by mocking white culture, she overheard Black coworkers laughing about OJ being acquitted the first time. How can a white woman maintain her dignity in such an environment? They also said white people kissing dogs in their mouths is nasty FOR

I.... didn’t even notice her hands around the dog’s neck.... They look like they would own a Motel Hell and make ground beef out of their guests, all while wearing those infernal shirts.

lol-wish i could take credit for that but someone tweeted it a few days ago. It’s the only word i have for those cretins from now on!

Don’t crop that photo, there is too much beauty to behold in the entire image!

Yes, I see so many pro trump twitter handles with glam shots of young attractive white women. The she-devils who actually show up to Twittler’s klan rallies look like Sarah Sanders.

“unless Jim Carrey names the person in the portrait, the MAGA crowd is just assuming”