
Billow, I agree with you 100%, that choosing a small component as fact doesn’t consider overall effects on any given life forms, or a system. As a micro / molecular biologist, there are so many different factors in any given organisims’ metabolic pathway , cause-effects, and safe, efficacious or toxic amounts of

I agree; this is a much bigger, deadlier component to our consumption of coffee. I use the baskets for flavor, but also to avoid the wasteful consumables. The humanitarian aspect is deplorable. This is why I purchase “Fair Trade “ coffee and tea, though this does not change,the past deaths, greed, and deforestation. I

I use the reusable coffee baskets myself, filling them with fair trade, organic coffee. The pods and plastic Keurig disposable cups all agreeably taste like dirt anyway. BTW, the plastic cup“pods”, at least for the Vue, or V model from three to four years ago were recyclable. One only had to peel, then pull off the