
Oh yeah, a description of a really annoying behavior is totally the same as cussing someone out. Yup. That makes perfect sense.

Well, I was earning less! Then I moved to a majority-woman company where I am finally being paid something close to what my male peers earn.

But I always cared about voting (earliest childhood memories include family trips to the poll booth) and never wanted to be a movie star! 7th poll is extremely flawed.

My sibling’s Scout troop leader was a former gang member and felon who cleaned up their act after doing their time.

There’s no insult in my post. You’re really over-reacting here.

That’s not weird to anyone who understands diets. Grapes are nature’s version of candy, they have almost no fiber or bulk to them and a ton of sugar.

Some of what you say makes good points, but that ‘auto emissions aren’t proven harmful’ is nonsense.

Every time I hear or see ‘Jetta’, I flinch just a little bit.

The Switch is an Nvidia tablet. It’s almost identical to the Nvidia Shield tablet, just with a tweaked processor.

WHAT. NO. Hawaiian pizza is delicious and amazing. Unless the ham is crappy, then it’s sad but still edible.

The point of this one is turquoise. Apparently, that’s enough for some part of my hind brain.

I know it’s a terrible car on so many levels. But that color, those seats?

This, right here, is why we need thorough civics education in every school from a young age.

The older I get, the more I’m in favor of strict licensing requirements for parenting and a well-funded, efficient foster/adoption system.

There are a lot of places and situations where your approach works. There are also a lot of places and situations where nothing is going to work, barring moving to a new city or getting a better paying job (which many fields don’t have).

Most of the US lives in those stratospherically priced coastal areas. Financial planning that ignores their reality is useless to them.

Have you tried strength training or muscle building? Muscles boost metabolic rate a bit.
