
We can only hope.

I kind of feel sorry for him? He’s clearly bad, but still. This is horrifying. I keep having flashbacks to my grandparents and shuddering at the thought of someone living like this.

The more I hear about Trump personally, the more sure I am that he’s having age-related cognitive issues and is being taken advantage of by people he trusts and has no genuine relationships in his life. 

Yeah. Thinking about how many people misuse or completely ignore the fundamentals of computer much worse would that be with cars?

They should have given him OTC painkillers though. They didn’t even give him that.

No, it’s really not.

Every Katsucon is a weird Katsucon. Were you there the year they had the fire and everyone had to evacuate in 17 degree weather + wind?

It can happen to normal people...if they weld a lot. Wearing safety goggles can cause it (source: a friend who repairs electronics for fun). So I imagine other hobbies/professions that rely on safety goggles could also cause it?

King of Dragon Pass

But that doesn’t mean toddlers need tablets.

They’re determined and have no sense of reality, common sense, or boundaries.

Counterpoint: It’s really easy to jimmy most internal door handles with decently pointy kitchen utensils.

Kids are teachable!

The thing is, you can do all that stuff with a tablet for a lot less.

I second what GTCvDeimos said, but there’s also the fact that consoles are often 1-per-household systems. It’s not just your taste that’s important, but your spouse and kids.

My mother is the same way. She’s a bona fide genius, top in her field, highly successful in every area of life.

Plane tickets from the US to anywhere with decent medical facilities could be $800 easy.

Oh, the collaborator fallacy.


You are very much simplifying what was happening in the US elections, probably because you don’t live in the US and haven’t been on the ground for what’s been happening.