
And they still remain funny to this day.

Annie Hall? Annie fucking Hall? In what way is this punch to the nutsack with a steel fist funny? Sorry, this entire list is invalid because of this poor choice.

Power degrades linearly with resistance (I^2R is resistive power loss). So, every legth added means more resistive loss. The same power can be transmitted with low-voltage and high-current... or high-voltage and low-current... the latter resulting in overall less resistive loss (low “I”)... but still, losses increase

That would be...Morton Salt.... hehehe

I doubt that RushCard itself is a bank and therefore not under FDIC purview. More likely they hold customer funds at partner banks that are FDIC insured. From the cardholder agreement, it looks like MetaBank is the issuing bank, which is under the FDIC:…

Actually not pink, but copper.