
We don’t know what kind of person she is. Seems like she might be a less-bright version of Cathy from East of Eden. A fantastic character-study of a psychopath from an age when they weren’t really understood medically. If true she wouldn’t benefit. People know right from wrong at age 17. I remember having a

I honestly think this is one of those times where it is probably better to ignore a person’s existence all together because Dani Mathers is never going to get it.

Tell us about all the left-wing militias, please.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

The uproar over this feels so much like a double standard. It’s ok to turn down a hug. Can you imagine if an unknown man approached a starlet on the red carpet and repeatedly asked for a hug while the starlet repeatedly declined politely? We’d be talking about a man’s assumption that he can touch whomever he wants.

Someone yesterday mentioned the she looks like Voldemort and now I can’t unsee it. Even in the prettiest possible packaging, the ugly shines through.

Scrub potatoes and cut into approximately 1/2 inch cubes. Toss in a large bowl with salt, pepper, smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, ground thyme and a bit of olive oil (enough to lightly coat the spuds). Dump onto a tall-rimmed baking sheet, and bake at 385 for about an hour or so. (Do this part to taste

Some of us see the world through old movies, because...

All together, now...

You don’t need a possessive apostrophe to pluralize Nazi; just an “s” will do it.

The BBC, while trying to be neutral and impartial, still has hosts who don’t like the Government and puts out content that still asks serious questions about its conduct despite being “neutral”.

Even in a place where the vast majority of people believe rape victims like here, so many people were refuting the [lived] experiences of commenters who react strongly to Benadryl. That’s your reasonable doubt right there on a jury full of people already skeptical of rape victims.

“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in your way of thinking.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

I think it’s because so many people don’t react strongly to Benadryl and Can. Not. Believe. it’s possible to pass out on the stuff. Happened in the comments here yesterday. Even in a place where the vast majority of people believe rape victims like here, so many people were refuting the loved experiences of commenters

“This is an emotional support SERVICE laptop.”

Uh, this isn’t 1970. There are fire prevention sensors, climate sensors & all containers are fire proof with cargo hold fire supression systems. Unless you have a big ass rabbit & could care less about its well being.

Who cares? Outside of the realm of forced-to business travellers, who the actual fucks in their right minds would travel to the US?