
Finally, hot, blonde, white women get a win.

I clicked on the Bill Murray story, and was delighted by the title of another Cindy Adams gem:

The rules for quarantine and bringing animals in and out of a country are there for very good reasons. Especially in a place like Australia that is geographically isolated. You can’t break them because you’re rich and want your dogs with you.

Well, she knows what biosecurity laws are now, so I guess we all win.

My point was that an ambulance is overkill, if you will forgive the pun, for the already-deceased.

I don’t live in the USA, but over here in South Africa I experienced another weird bureaucratic issue involving a dead body.

There are skid marks in front of the dead body.

Turkish Delight Rutger Hauer = peak Rutger Hauer. Yum.

She was in a little throwaway movie in the early 80s called Flesh + Blood, with Rutger Hauer (who I’ve had the hots for ever since). It was a very silly historical romance that also had a lot of rape, death and the black plague, but it was scored by Basil Pouledoris, he of the blood-and-thunder Conan the Barbarian

This is a nice reprieve from Disney getting its hands in everything.

What about Porco Rosso? :/

You can take the scanger out of Dublin…

What I don’t get is why Disney doesn’t seem to care at all about having the distribution rights for one of the single most universally beloved segments of Japanese culture.

Very sorry to say that I have come across ebay sellers who move Ivanka’s junk down the “fashion alley to nowhere” assembly-selling line with alarming success.

Pixar didn’t do the localization, Disney did, and they did a CRAP job of it. In almost every case, the British release of Ghibli films were much better English dubs than Disney’s. They put the money into the quality, not the star power of the names. They used voice actors, not screen actors.

To those canuks, cineplex is doing a run of ghibli movies in many theatres right through the end of the year. I Just saw kikis delivery service like 2 Sundays ago. Check your local theatre

Disney also charged WAY too much for their discs of these films, and continue to overcharge for Pixar product as well. Fuck Disney.

The cynic in me thinks Disney kept distribution in theaters low to keep their shitty films more popular. Would you rather watch Cars 3 or Spirited Away?

Grave of the Fireflies absolutely destroyed me. Don’t watch this movie if you’re expecting a lighthearted or fantastical Studio Ghibli romp. My boyfriend can make me wail on command just by making little scissor motions with his fingers and saying “Snip! Snip! Snip!”

Ben Affleck Has Some Deep Thoughts About Batman