That would be a kind thing to do, and a wise one, given that the horse it out of the barn, and Zahara must know by now that her birth mother wants to contact her. Heaven forbid her parents say “no”, and she holds it against them forever.
That would be a kind thing to do, and a wise one, given that the horse it out of the barn, and Zahara must know by now that her birth mother wants to contact her. Heaven forbid her parents say “no”, and she holds it against them forever.
Bears are often attracted to garbage. Just not Ms. DeVos’s type of garbage.
I used to be troubled about the days of 200 years ago, when God’s gifts of small pox, leprosy, and too many children with too little food, ran free rather than capitalism, but you have changed my mind. Happy days, indeed, however few of them each individual had.
No one in a million years would have believed that Germany, of all places, would attempt the mass murder of tens of millions of people.
Not unless you’re a vegetable. A possibility I wouldn’t exclude, in some cases.
Sounds like you are the one all about mass immigration, mon ami. And pulling up your little drawbridge, saying “I’m here, so everything is perfect. Immigration can stop.” Perhaps your ancestors were never immigrants or refugees, either one by one or en mass, but it isn’t likely. It’s the way the world has always been,…
Mary’s origin may be a side point for you, but it’s a major one for early Christians, as it is part of basis for the claim he is the Messiah.
You write as if the doctrines of Christianity were my idea — they are not. ;)
Not so fast. Jesus’ father, we’re not so sure about. As far as his mother, He could have been popped into Mary’s womb, like a cuckoo’s egg into a nest. Why not?
At “its” best, darling.
This seems a long and complex post about a con man. It is a complex issue in some ways, but did the Million Little Pieces of Shit guy deserve so much heart-burning attention from so many people?
If your shoulds were changed into coulds, or woulds, I would agree with with you.
Well, knock me down with a girder. No duh it was an inside job, given that the location and circumstances made it extremely convenient for a robbery of rich people who supposedly are surrounded by security. The only question is how far the Kimyes are involved, and what Kim’s story will be if she has to testify. That…
To be clear, this is the secure International/U.S. arrivals area, where people with tickets who have just flown in pick up their bags. It’s a very large barren room, and you’d think no one would want to stay there, but some do. Maybe to meet people who are likely to become confused or are physically unable to handle…
Given that about 1/3 of people in Greater Vancouver are of East Asian origin, they damn well better have people that speak Mandarin. Poles, not so much these days, but in fact they did have a Polish translator there that day. I’d like to think anyone with common sense could see he was in distress and guide him out of…