“...whatever you believe about her intelligence’s irreverent...”
“...whatever you believe about her intelligence’s irreverent...”
The main —actually, the only — advantage the right has over the left is unity.
Part of my family was from Manchester, but I never knew that generation. I devoured every Cookson I could find, and am so pleased you can confirm my instincts about her. Even when the going gets crazy, I believe her. Ms. Cookson’s own early life was so rocky, she earned the right to write what she wanted.
It’s definitely something I’d be interested in reading, but I’m always skeptical of experts laying down the law about daily life in an era they didn’t live through. There may be factors they aren’t aware of, and sometimes they paint a picture of the past that is so bad that it couldn’t possibly function.
The best simile. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it will never end well.
I assume Mr. Johnson has an important movie coming out soon? Yes, he does — many.
Heh. Like high school teachers see their students’ handwriting anymore. I’m not a teacher, admittedly, but I can’t remember when I last received a handwritten anything from someone between the ages of 10 and 30. Their signature on a greeting card, maybe.
Enzo, how long has the U.S. been trying to do this? Since Woodrow Wilson’s time? Before that? Well, good luck and I hope it’s not going to cost much more in money and lives than dealing with the issue in any other way. Anyone who says the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but…
Word of wisdom — from 1933, and to be fair, before. Europe had its fill of racial/cultural/economic purity not so long ago, so much it nearly died of it.
Oh, dear People. If there is a positive way to spin any story, you will find it.
You realize the border between the U.S. and Mexico is over 1900 miles long, not to mention the approaches to the U.S. by sea and air? If you lined up all border employees and all national guardsmen along the border 24 hours a day, it would not people out.
You should wear it tomorrow, but I’m thinking it should say “survive the month.” Whatever happens, it’s going to take at least that long for some people to be convinced the apocalypse has not arrived.
That sounds like a good plan. But I can’t help but think it sounds like the beginning of a zombie movie, where the protagonist hibernates and wakes to a world of violent freaks.
In this context, I’m even more offended by “God’s grace” than by “little girl.”
Could there be Dave Chappelle recordings out there? Wouldn’t be surprising.
Have you tried urbandictionary? But if you know it’s being used by idiots for idiots, you know enough.