
“As if Jen cares — she doesn’t care. It’s ridiculous that people still drag her into this.”

Now playing

In his own words: “was a freakin’ housecat dat was zapped by god true dee innernet. Now I’m an agent of da lord, Atheists Beware!”

Just when I think I couldn’t love her more...go on, Amy! Can Jen compete with this?

He’s the Man With the Moustache, who’s in a fair number of Chick Tracts. It’s never stated definitively, but he seems to be a lay preacher who shows up to talk to people about Jesus as if they’ve never heard of him before. And if you ignore his advice SPOILER as Creationist Cat says, you’ll totally burn in hell.

Oh, when they interview the neighbours, friends, and distant relatives, they’ll say there were no clues, and talk up his good points: friendly, would give you the shirt off his back, etc. We’ve heard it all before, so often that you’d think that the above were symptoms of psychopathy.

Alas! my childhood’s toilet trader (people would leave his tracts in public toilets all the time) is no more. I think he did more for immorality, in his way, than most people. If you think that being good in this world is what matters...YOU’RE DAMNED TO HELL!!!!!!

For a limited time only...

I have my Q-E-E-F-I-N-G all ready for the triple. One more round, and I’m out.

Air plants: simple, science fiction friendly, difficult to kill. What’s not to like?

Air plants: simple, science fiction friendly, difficult to kill. What’s not to like?

Not a fan of one straight, one floppy shoulder — straighten up, ma’am! is not what one should be thinking at a First Lady’s last state dinner. Otherwise, it is just gorgeous.

I don’t know about other countries, but I’m sure it’s an English thing. Distant relatives of mine were going out to pick as late as the 1960s. By then, it had a holiday camp atmosphere.

That’s pretty much the circle of life, right there.

Here’s some inspiration from an old Sussex folk song (quoted in Spike Milligan’s war autobiography):

Porn websites went dark, you say?

I understand your price comparison, but most likely he wined and dined them, and more importantly, was very attentive and charming, and made them feel special, at least at first. Not singling you out, so to address anyone who is mystified at his success: is that what you do? Really?

Dear U.S.-ians: congratulations on the success of your national quest to appeal to the lowest common denominator, point fingers, heap on irrelevant abuse, and whine and bully whenever challenged. Judging from the quality of most comments on this and other threads on Gawker — whoops! — whatever-it’s-called-now Media

Observing from outside your country (and I remember regular or garden variety asshole Trump of the 1980s and 1990s), I agree there’s something special going on. But most likely it is something as simple as power, celebrity and influence going to his already weak head. The lionization he received as some kind of

It’s not exactly the Lincoln - Douglas debates, is it?

Don’t forget the one-year prohibition on toys, and mandatory catnip testing.