
One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.

The Benny Hill theme song. It goes “Dee dee dudududud dododododo dee. Dududu dee dee dudududu do do du dee dee dee dee du du du du dee dee dee dee dee dee dededed, du doodooduud ee dododododoododooo dedldoodoodehdodeeeedo.”

That was not very helpful.

FACT: Bears eat beets.
Battlestat Galactica.

That was heart-breaking... And this stood out to me

“As the video begins, an unidentifed young black woman can be heard saying to Manhart, “That flag is not yours.” “Actually, it is,” Manhart replies.”

Therein lies the heart of American racism that the students were trying to protest. Black students were unable to use the flag in protest because it does not represent

It bugs the shit out of me that they were standing on the flag but then I remember that there is no symbol of freedom better than their ability to stand on the flag as a form of protest.

Throughout it all, several of the assembled black students point out that she’s resisting arrest and speculate what would’ve happened to them if they’d done the same.

now I have to watch Man Machine

but... Robbie Williams is cute
what have you done

For some burns, context is everything.

My grandmother was the most polite person I’ve ever known. Not necessarily the ‘nicest’, but in the tradition of fine scottish-descended, church-going, tee-totalling canadians, I don’t think I ever heard her say anything harsher than a quiet ‘tut-tut’ in her whole life. She was

I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Well of course I can’t unsee that picture, the contaxt won’t matter, it’s goddamn Robbie Williams. He did Man Machine and Rock DJ; he should have been a fucking institution here in the US.

I thougt about this guy

I bet you can’t unsee:

Robbie Williams!

So basic. Don’t they know that all the cool parents are eschewing material possessions and including “And please, no gifts. Your presence is enough of a gift” on all birthday invitations?