
Don isn’t pursuing Diana, he’s pursuing a version himself in search of answers he doesn’t want to find by looking inward.
He doesn’t love her - she barely exists to him as anything but an amalgamation of every woman he’s ever cared for - but he is obsessed with the emptiness behind her facade.
When Diana’s ex-husband

On top of that, I’m guessing you don’t have a sense of humor, either! You should go see your doctor about that.

<<snort>> I think I just assumed you had really great sneakers as I envisioned you looking down at your feet all sheepish and like. For real, that was the genesis. I’ve judged people on less.

So how much is a song worth according to you? How about an album?

For some reason, this made me want to be friends with you. Wanna hang?


I feel like I should also share that I’m a child of divorce, so my perspective on shitty parents is seen through a very, very specific filter. Grain of salt and all that.

I don’t have the transcript in front of me and I’m at work so I can’t go back and watch the conversation, so I’ll refrain from commenting on the actual words coming out of mouths and such. However, by my recollection, it was very obviously flirting, and he was very obviously indulging her when he should have been

He crossed a line by engaging a 16-year-old in that kind of conversation at all, no matter what his intentions were. Did you walk away from that scene believing the 16-year-old thought it was all a joke? I didn’t.

So, I initially read your comment with Don as the antecedent “he” - and it kinda works, actually. Anyone else notice how similar the Glenn and Don life stories are? Glenn returning to Betty as he sees his life slipping away feels very much the same as Don turning to brunettes when he loses control.

But that’s the point: No matter whether Don was entertaining the idea of sleeping with her or not, it is WILDLY inappropriate that he carried on a conversation like that with one of his daughter’s friends, let alone in front of said daughter - and purely because he has a pathological need to have everyone like him,

Go shove your appliance privilege in someone else’s face, whydontcha?!?

I bet you can’t unsee:

Terrifying! But why did you use that drawing of Robbie Williams as the lead image?


I wear a mini skirt because I get yeast infections when I wear pants or leggings, and skirts longer than a mini make it difficult to haul ass like I need to.

To everyone objecting to gifts and registries AT ALL, no matter the format: we didn't have one, and heard nothing but SHIT about it until we set one up. YOU CAN'T WIN EITEHR WAY so you might as well let the people who want to buy you shit/fund your vacation/contribute to your down payment do it.

Yes, they're tacky for having $150 as the minimum price point on their registry. That's rude. But to register for experiences rather than gifts? Nothing tacky about it. Also, you don't HAVE to buy off the registry. You also don't HAVE to buy a gift at all. You, lady, are not so sunnyside.

(it's a restaurant, love)