
I started laughing before I even hit play!! OOOoooOOOoo

THANK YOU - man I hate that song. It's the WORST. And have you heard the new one? I swear she's trolling. As my husband put it, "She's every Republicans favorite pop star."

Are you me? The fat arms thing - gah! It's sad watching my mother struggle with this in her 50s. Nobody cares but you, Mom!

What's considered an "adequate standard of living" for a child? Does it very from family to family, or do you think there's a set dollar amount that's good across the board?

Ah, I see - I'm not familiar with Canadian child support structures at all. Are you talking about the Blue Edwards custody case?

I don't doubt that what you claim happens on occasion, but by no means is this the norm. You yourself say litigation is a sport for the very wealthy - most people in this country are not very wealthy. You're allowing a fraction of cases dictate your view of the practice as a whole.

First of all, most women don't get paid maternity leave in this country. They can go on disability, but so can anyone who is a caregiver. Have a sick aunt you need to take care of? A father who needs a caregiver around the clock while recovering from surgery? You too can apply for FMLA coverage!

In what world do you live in where the non-custodial parent pays 30percent of their income for one child? Non-custodial parents can petition for a trust to be setup, if they so desire. And the "child support queen" trope is as tired as the "welfare queen." The vast, vast majority of custodial parents utilize child

You can't force a divorced parent to pay for college - that's not a requirement of child support. Trust me, I know from experience. What a strange argument.

We have no safety net here. Wouldn't you be scared to upset the person who determines whether you have health insurance, a salary, a roof over your head, etc?

Oh, so you advocate we abolish police departments and the judicial system. That's cool. Thanks for clarifying!

Although Democrats have a numerical majority, a coalition gives Republicans control of the chamber.

"How is it working out, trying to change other people instead of ignoring bad behavior and achieving anyway?"

HA! I do this too! Glad I'm not the only one.

Same! Weirdos unite.

Funny or Die did it better last decade.

Full disclosure: I went to Jesuit's "sister school," so I know of what I speak.

It's much more likely that a Nosy McBusybee would call the cops on you, than a Handsy McPerverson stealing your child.

I know. It helps if you click the link before commenting.