
@gnawlej sot: Ok, beyond the term we use to describe it...which I believe technically is "blog", is there something inacurate in the text? Its pretty hard to see it as anything but valid and its clearly a problem, more so in the Apple community than any Im aware of.

@Andy Mesa: Objectivity aside, is there any point made in this article that you disagree with?

I read the title 3 times before I figured out that it said "Roman" and that somebody didnt just find a shitload of star trek props.

@thevpuli: I just bought some "Farmville" goods from a 7-Eleven. I didnt know what the hell it was, but found myself drawn to the characters on the packaging.

@Mex: I did shortly after it came out and I've been a pretty happy camper (mostly technet-type searching).

When I saw this article, I was immediately reminded of the incredibly awkward moment when the CEO of Zynga kept finding himself waiting quietly for applause that never really came during Apple’s iphone release expo. Certainly didn’t look like the kinda guy I’d want to invest in…

Well, if that retarded "free range" oil well isn’t plugged by then, we could send them all down there to work on it. What with all their underwater, high pressure environment training and what not…

Someone needs to "remaster" Sylvester Stallone. He looks like a mutant beauty pageant contestant nowadays.

@josh6135: It makes complete sense. I would only add "old timey" to the description :)

Looks like Warehouse 13 got robbed again...

@Sumada: "Take audio. For years, the primary technology was the [marking mechanism] inside a CD or a DVD player. But we became convinced that software was going to be the primary technology, and we're a pretty good software company.

@Eulatos: Well, if he said what you said, then you’d be right… However, he said what "he" said. His example of the music industry and mp3 players makes it pretty clear that he’s talking about literally controlling all of mankind’s technology.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I was just typing almost this exact reply when I realized I hadnt expanded to see what was already said.

"I've always wanted to own and control the primary technology in everything we do"

@isuee94: Thats TOTALLY something that the French would do

@Dr_Bizzle: Technical realities aside, EVEN if Apple would do as you laid out, they still lose (in the grand scheme of things).

@JS_Drupal: What level did she get to and how did she beat the stage bosses?

@rudyfrederic: Fingers crossed that you dont get one of the exploding ones :)

@disarticulate: What makes you think Jason paid for it? He doesnt roll that way.