
And why are we letting a perjurer be in charge of the Department of Justice again?

Yet another good reason all women should be able to choose whether of not they want to have children.

Does every story on Jezebel about the Kardashians not undermine Jezebel’s credibility? Does any Jezebel reader care about the Kardashians? Not trying to be snarky, I honestly wonder. Why does Jez cover the Kardashians?

Fuck youtubers, seriously, they do NOTHING for the world. And before you claim they are informative and entertaining, so is a god damn napkin with a picture of a dick on it. So STFU with your defenses of these god awful, useless, pieces of human garbage.

I’m usually pretty quick to defend risky but fun shenanigans, but this event had (1) drifting cars and humans with no barriers between them, and (2) a “hot” oval surrounding an infield skidpad, without any people or things preventing cars from driving across the *hot* oval.

This event had nothing to do with SoCal drifting. This happened the same weekend as the pro series, Formula D had their season opener at Long Beach. There are plenty of drift organizations, JustDrift, SlideFactory, 626Drift, Drift Buffet, Drift Access, Adams in Riverside that all provide safe and legal drift events

Events like that are why other events with actual safety protocols can’t put on events at some venues, it takes one crappy apple to ruin everythng for everyone.

And this is why accessibility is so, so important to game design.

Today’s tweet assessment: it should be obvious to all that he’s no longer sending out his own words. Varying degrees of effort seem to be applied in making these sound like they might possibly be from him, but like all things in this grand shitshow, laziness and sloppiness are the order of the day.

I can not stand trump’s fucking voice.

That’s literally the problem. Orisa was “advertised” to be an “anchor tank”, just like Reinhardt, yet she’s not. They constantly used that term, anchor tank, yet she clearly isn’t. She’s a tankier DPS support at least.

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.

Honestly sometimes I think the only reason certain people haven’t fled the country yet is because it’ll be harder for Putin to assassinate them if they stay in the US than if they run somewhere without an extradition treaty.

Ugh, the worst part of online gaming realized in flesh and blood.


i mean, this is a show that stars anthony anderson who may have been acquitted but i will always side eye

I’m just going to let AV Club speak for me here:

As soon as I read “woke” I instantly stopped taking everything he said seriously.