
Advertisers shouldn’t even be with these assclown, talent less pieces of shit. Fuck Youtubers and the fad of child entertainers. Fuck anyone who monetarily supports the disgusting eco system, and fuck you for thinking any of this is good for society. Seriously, fuck you.

If she were an actual rapper, she would have something to respond with. Instead, Remy Ma popped the ever living shit out of that fake ass Nicki sports and she has NO WHERE to go. Don’t fuck with talent.

this bitch is offensive to all sense. go. away.

Lets bring death back. Seriously. We need to start killing people who do this kind of stuff.

haaaa what a fucking fluff of a shill post

why the fuck is anyone listening to Ivanka fucking Trump? Hang this stupid bitch by a god damn rope already, same with her father and the rest of her fucked up horrible family. HANG THEM.

This mother fucker is as dumb as the mother fucking president*

Its fucking Anna Merlan. Trying to start up a witch hunt again you stupid bitch? Fucking quit writing already and go back to being a useless piece of shit human being who should be curb stomped into oblivion.

Love how the cop is all friendly and then you see Porter say some bullshit neanderthal tough guy shit and the cop instantly goes “WOAH” and turns serious

Mariah Carey is hot garbage and needs to go the fuck away

Can the entire population of the planet file a restraining order against Chris”shitstain”Brown?

how much do you want to bet it was a Trump supporter? O nevermind, there is no one stupid enough to bet that it wasnt

Fuck off you piece of shit

rofl, take this shit to the thrift store and give it to people who would actually wear it

Fuck Uber’s.platforms. It really is that simple. Somewhere along the line we have come full circle and people are actively listening to the crazy nutjob on the corner yelling and screaming at the moon. The madness only ends with death.