So is she going to talk about that time she said all gay men were disgusting and had AIDS?
“Kim told me about that [surrogacy] as well…I’m using the same doctor, Dr Huang, who’s the best and he has a concierge team that deals with everything and interviews the people [the surrogate] to make sure that they’re healthy.”
There’s a lot of effort and disruption put into making anything that isn’t sweatpants not uncomfortable for the actor. There is nothing necessary or reasonable about the clothes we put actors in.
This article starts off with whether actors should have to wear them, called them outmoded, and then softpedaled. I have real beef with the cycle of think pieces that come out talking about how actresses need to be liberated from the corset every time a show with a countess comes out.
Alt headline: Someone You’ve Never Heard of Had to Abide by the Terms of her Pre-Nup
Yeah, this is not a story about a woman who had to, like, sell her jewelry to escape a spouse like the headline implies it is.
I mean, none of that sounds uncommon for what happens to shared property in a divorce. If the genders were reversed, we wouldn’t see any problem with a lesser-earning woman making a claim for all or part of a marital asset like the house. The law pretty much says that it doesn’t matter if one spouse makes the money…
OK, Simpson, what does peeing have to do with BTS (narrowing my eyes)?
Beat me to it.
Goecke’s “impulsive reaction,” the company continued,
In full-time pandemic America, I shame no one for whatever makes them happy as long as it’s consensual and no one feels like they have to go along. Spending the money is unnecessary, but some people will do it, regardless. Come on, there’s never been a better time to make excuses why you can’t join in on something.…
The interesting bit is that both things COULD be true because they require so little - she might have ashkenazi Jewish blood somewhere (23andMe pulls this one out all the time) and the messianics are Christians which isn’t a stretch either - she can self identify as that.
“Family served in Nazi army” is a +5 poll bump in Florida.
I think you have a little typo, almost-homophone error there. Where you say reverent mother, I think you mean reverend mother.
There are some cool nuns out there. I think you’re right that it depends on their specific order.
There’s a Dominican sisterhood near me that offers retreats and space in their motherhouse for short term stays. I had worked with the sisters previously and took a tour of the spaces when my husband and I split up and I considered spending a weekend or two there in silence surrounded by older women to heal, even…
That looks exactly how I’d stand around a professional colleague I was required to spend time with.
This is your granny, and she quite liked it on David Bowie when he was a Martian.
Do you think there are intermissions in fashion shows?! Once it starts it’s like 20 mins and poof it’s over.