Freedom Cow

Does that guy actually watch Mr. Robot? I love the show, I’m rooting for Elliot, and I want to see Evil Corp burn to the ground, but let’s not kid ourselves: A show where main characters are anarchist hacktivists who make pirate broadcasts in disguise to make threats about potentially world-changing (and possibly even

What is up with the Outlander snubs? I’m very disappointed in that.

I know that at some point, killing people who kill people because killing people is wrong becomes absurd.

I am happy for Rami Malek and also happy for me because I got to look at him longer. Those eyes.

I almost cried over Louis Anderson’s win, because I read several articles before Baskets premiered about how he played the character as a tribute to his mother, even bringing in some of her clothes and jewelry for the costume designers to work with and incorporate into the costumes.

I want to get drinks with her and Hillary and Meryl.

So damn happy for Rami Malek, Tatiana Maslany (surprise!), and JLD. GoT is kind of a yawn for me at this point. I do so wish Outlander had been nominated for SOMETHING.

You. I fucking love you.

I am not kidding at all when I say this devil should be fed to a shark.

I know a lot of accountants, and even on Facebook, they’re cracking up and saying they’d looooove to be them and have their segment actually get attention from a famous person.

She live tweeted Game of Thrones last season. @lesdoggg is the best.

Thank you for explaining Trump, I was wondering what was going on with him and now I know

I think what people are trying to tell you is that no one thought the phrasing in the article was meant literally. We know she didn’t really “hijack” the speech. I think your take is probably correct--that the Emmy producers don’t want to repeat an #OscarsSoWhite moment--but that doesn’t make Leslie’s moment any less

Thank you for explaining what the Emmy’s people want, I am writing this down for later to remember

So glad we have guardians of the truth out there to let us know What’s Up. Without you, no one could possibly have known that this segment of a major awards show was scripted. And bonus appreciation for your ever-so-subtle point about a black woman only getting to speak because white heroes granted her permission. You

Thank you for explaining the television

The way she’s held up to these repeated attacks and keeps defiant about condemning them wholly without seemingly internalizing any of the victim-blaming handed to her is amazing to me. I just wouldn’t have the energy left. I’d feel so fucking gutted and deflated. She has a lot of joy for living and is being ruthless

Leslie Jones is a goddamn treasure. “I just wanted to feel beautiful, y’all!”

I always maintained that I knew Scott Peterson did it all along for one sole reason: He owned a boat and none of his friends knew about it. There isn’t a man alive that will but a boat and not tell his friends. Also, too: Fuck him.