Freedom Cow

listen, let’s not let the wacko conspiracy theories overshadow Hillary’s actual health problems. i have extensive experience in this area and there is literally no issue more debilitating than seasonal allergies. what if her hands are covered in mucus and she hits the “bomb the earth” button by accident? what if she’s

Probably? I think University of Phoenix probably offers anything you are willing to pay for.

I am so, so tired of people like this. And by this I mean purists. True believers. People for whom compromise = death. They are the reason we have Bernie bros, and everything to do with Jeremy Corbyn.

Isn’t Trump what happened when “all new people” got to run for the nomination of the Republican Party?

That is so beautiful I think that should be a song lyric.

I was happy with the level of Van Wilder it had, but thought it needed more time with Colossus being the sweet mother hen that he is.

He wants the control over her too, and I’m sure he’d rather write anything else on a check than her name.

Believe me, I am not a Depp supporter. I think he haaaaates that she comes out of this looking good.

I miss smoking.

It would. Depp is trying to donate her money- that which he owes her in their divorce settlement- directly to the charities himself, so he gets the tax break. The charities get the same amount of money either way,but one of them will get money back from the government on next year’s taxes. He was likely pissed off

Except he’s not paying the full lump sum.. and I 100% expect him to punk out on paying the balance unless the court forces him (assuming they allow him to pay direct instead of to her). He seems way, way sleazier than Amber when it comes to money.

You’re not dumb! It was really sneaky. The donations were made in her name but he cut the checks himself (they never went into her bank account, he sent the money directly)and only the person who pays gets the break.


Yes, Neil, I can’t think of anything people want more than for this election cycle to continue indefinitely while — what, we just put the country in stasis while we do a complete do over? Stick to astronomy, dude.

Stay inside. Lock your doors. Watch movies that make you cry. 2 percent is a goddamm lie.

Millihelen was the first to ungrey me!! I miss it so much :(

I’ve always said that if someone wants to be bad, they should be good at being bad. Go all in on evil.

me too!

I would very possibly be more interested in those shows if these were the actual names.

Hey Madeleine, I’m the guy on the other page. I also made a Lo-ki joke. They chose yours. congrats. - Will