Freedom Cow

hey I mean, he did what he could and he got what he needed. at least in the process he wrote a famous book he didn’t just kill himself. Thoreau is one of my heroes, I love Walden Pond. but I also know he wasn’t a moron and understood what it took for a man to live the way he lived. he was civil, and that is one thing

Even city parks can be dangerous! People have to be rescued from Griffith in LA all the time bc they go off trail. Pair that with tourists trying to hike to the sign (a good two hours up a mountain) in high heels, and you have a lot of people losing to nature.

While unofficial, I still think that this is the ultimate troll.

I always worry that Mittens is some reincarnated relative so I don’t want her to see me masturbate.

The main problem is this “go it alone” ethos. When you’re talking about surviving in a natural environment, one must revert to primitive behavior. Primitive humans lived in tribes. Rugged individualism is a relatively modern concept, more suited to urban living.

Pretty sure that eating plants that you’re unfamiliar with is a big no-no. I think eating mystery plants would easily fall under ego and incompetence.

He wandered off into the Alaskan wilderness with a bag of rice and a laminated card of edible plants (if memory serves). Have you spent much time backpacking or anything like that? Because as someone who spent quite some time in the Scouts, I can assure you that he was unprepared to a ludicrous degree. He was either

I remember when my English teacher assigned this book in high school. When she asked my my opinion, I was suspiciously quiet that day. I said, this whole book was just some real white people shit.

It’s called having a death wish. It gets romanticized but that’s all it is.

To be fair: she totally could do exactly what he did, with the exact same result.

Maybe they should get rid of the bus. It’s not, like, a national monument or anything. I realize that may be difficult with the lack of roads in Alaska. Maybe just dismantle it or something.

Well done, ghouls.

I thought the chick in the commercial had the female equivalent of the dude’s dad-bod.

Nah, I get it. He’s so tiny and pouty. Then he rose from the dead and did that unsheathing longclaw* and dropping the scabbard thing, and I was like, “Oh, right. I see.” Now I wanna put him in my pocket.

I never ever found him fanciable until he had died and been brought back (spoiler alert, you guys) but now I find him double triple hot super dope fly bomb digs.

Everyone needs more Aidan Turner in their life. I’m definately watching this though.

Ok with Peaky Blinders finished and no sign of new Poldark yet, I’ll give it a go.


Holy shit, I AM SO INTO THIS.

Fuck Alzheimer’s. It’s becoming the leading cause of death of elderly women, I believe, and yet I never see ribbons or months or corporations calling for research and donations. It’s a disease you cannot possibly understand unless you have someone who has been affected by it. To this day, Seth Rogens speech to the