
Frankly, I'd like to spend my own dollars, rather than begging people who took them via threats to sponsor one cause or another. But to answer the superficial question, I'm much more likely to fund space exploration than athletic competition.

"The scientists suggest that a stronger smell may subconsciously indicate that a food is richer and higher in calories—meaning the the body's reflex is simply to eat less of it."

The only workable solution—short of secession—is something like the Read The Bills Act. []

It goes even deeper than that... this story refers to UV radiation and the resulting reionization. Plait explains. #corrections

Ditto for airplanes.

I think what we need in cars is mesh networking first, and 4G second (if at all).

I'm still waiting for an excuse that wouldn't be just as (in)valid coming from the mouth of someone collecting protection money for the Mafia.

Taxes fund the killing of people around the world, the imprisonment of harmless medicinal and non-medicinal substance users, the rule of despots in impoverished countries, the unwarranted surveillance of non-criminals, the unjust enrichment of politically-connected lobbyists/bankers/businessmen, and the coercive

Nothing's shorter than What's the expected persistence of Tokelau?

@Raven Riley: Do you have any thoughts on the content of my comment, as opposed to its style? The semantic intent was obvious, and while there is some value in playing thread pedant, I'm more interested in drawing explicit parallels between the tragic consequences of alcohol prohibition and the tragic consequences of

Prohibition never ended. It's now called the War on Drugs, but still instigates the same avoidance tactics, the same ruthlessness amongst black marketeers, and the same tragedies for those caught in the crossfire.

@Billybird: I'm no doctor, but it might just be the mushrooms themselves.

@DeadWriter: I was... thinking... the exact same thing.

@STiger: Assuming you mean in the United States and on a federal scale, Google can become the first legal monopoly right after they go back in time to eliminate the CPSC, FAA, FCC, FDA, federal courts, SEC, USPS, USPTO, and at least a dozen other organizations. They're more than two centuries too late.

@icelight: the power you save by running a CFL means that less mercury is released into the air from the burning of fossil fuels. So much so less, in fact, that even if you did throw the bulbs away, CFLs have less net mercury release over their lifetimes.