Dr. Giblet

It’s really sad, because every first lady has not only been poised and educated, but has worked actively on their platform. I hate “just say no” with the fury of a thousand suns, but that campaign still came from a genuine if misguided heart. Hillary Clinton was probably the most influential first lady in modern

Because the between 30 and 40 percent of each red state who voted for Hillary Clinton should get tossed out with the bath water.

The gap between Obama, a true scholar, a man of unwavering integrity, hope, a profound sense of what the word justice means, (see his nonviolent crime drug related charges pardons) and then the comparison to the vile filthy, racist, mysoginist, that makes a living off shorting anyone and everybody that he ever met.

how refreshing to get reading recommendations of the works others, as opposed to sales pitches about books of your own.

As a gay man, this concerns me. What if my body figures out how to somehow have a baby?

A zebra shark needs a male like a fish needs a bicycle.

Lol was thinking the same. He probably handed the phone to his driver to type up, because he didn’t want to be bored for 25 seconds thinking about MLK. But the breathless, authentically Grand Cheezwizard rant about SNL arrived like clockwork.

Who took over Trumpster twitter?? It’s way too coherent for him.

OH GOD THIS IS HAPPENING -> Get a grip, you need to face reality -> WAIT, I’M NORMALIZING THIS -> Oh god this is really happening...

Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?

Talented Mr. Ripley era Jude Law was just *gasp * I don’t know if it is possible to be any sexier than that.

He’s describing Trump’s hands to Merkel in that last photo!

I haven’t heard/seen anyone call him an Uncle Tom (except you). What I have seen are many people saying Harvey is laughably unqualified to work for HUD, as is Dr. Carson. Just because someone once lived in a city or is black does not magically make them an expert in urban planning or public housing.

Meanwhile, Obama with Merkel. . . .

He’s a black man Trump watches on TV. In the words of David S Pumpkins, any questions?

How weird is it that normally, Steve Harvey meeting the president for politics would be a surreal joke but with Trump, it’s reality?

I’m guessing it’s this. If you want a job, a drivers license, a car, college whatever, you need a social security number and a birth certificate. If hers were forgeries or stolen identity then she would find out very quickly and now her mother/kidnapper has to come up with answers. This poor young woman is going to

She deserves jail “maybe”? Are you serious? She likely needs mental health support, but if this isn’t an obvious candidate for inprisonment, I don’t know who is.

Every delivery ward I’ve been in in the past 10 years have a system so that this never happens. They baby has a monitor attached to them and there are sensors that if they’re taken beyond them, go off. Security is tight.

Word on the street is that the baby was so new they had no photos, and the sketch is a composite.

The thought of a composite sketch of a smooshed little newborn face would make me laugh if the circumstances weren’t so sad.