Dr. Giblet

I manage a very high end boutique & bought for a similar one before this job. When we carry “bigger” sizes they are often (but certainly not always) the sizes we are left with when we go to sale. But I always wonder if it’s a chicken and the egg thing - it feels like whichever season we have fewer options in larger

I know plenty of dumbasses who thought exactly that & did not vote. My (sweet) sister & her husband were among them. I would hardly speak to her for 2 weeks after the election.

Let’s not call it terrorism. Sounds like the perpetrator was here illegally from El Salavador. Let’s not give Trump & the GOP talking points. This guy was a murderous psychopath, and unfortunately, those exist. I’m a raging liberal, but some of these comments are exasperating. Nothing points to him murdering this poor

I say ewwww to Drake & Joe Manga-something. Tom Hardy makes my pants fall off though.

It has occurred to me. And I don’t have a dog in this fight. I’ve certainly been guilty of playing armchair psychologist before, but I’m seeing commenters do it like crazy with this story & seemingly creating motivations for this kid out of whole cloth.

“To some degree” doesn’t explain being described as having extreme social anxiety. Also, is “pure psychopath” an actual medical term or just something you created yourself? I’m not defending this kid, what she did was sickening & immoral. But I happen to think it may be a little less black & white than some people

Not quite the same. Suicide had always been seen as free will. She was an accessory to suicide, not murder, which makes this case unusual.

I realize sociopaths can’t be treated, but from my limited understanding, sociopaths don’t feel anxiety, so I find it rather interesting that she was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder.

Have you read in depth about this case, or are you simply diagnosing her from headlines & articles like this? I agree that from the surface it sounds like she’s a sociopath, but from what I read recently in the nytimes, both of these kids sounded incredibly troubled & she was already struggling with severe social

Yeah, as someone who chose not to circumcise my son, I just can’t with the people who call it mutilation.

You have an amazingly uncomplicated view of relationships & success then. My parents are very wealthy. They are wealthy because of my dads former career. He worked very hard & for many years. But he would not been able to have the life/family along with that career he wanted without my mother’s help. If they were ever

I think he looks like a Siamese cat. Always have. Well, now a bloated Siamese cat. It’s weird, I know.

His “afterlife”. The people on the other side were always people who had died, not departed.

Different strokes for different folks. Their relationship wasn’t Kevin & Laurie’s relationship. And maybe she did feel grief, it’s just that it couldn’t touch what thr loss of her children felt like. That makes perfect sense to me.

I love Dev/Aziz but I prefer him in small doses. I find most of the episodes that focus entirely on him a bit cloying. My hub finds the focus on him texting constantly annoying & trying too hard to make the show relatable to millennials or something silly like that. But overall we are fans.

I had this impulse the other day when someone was shopping in the grocery store in a Tshirt & bikini bottom, because it was wildly inappropriate, but so was my impulse. I immediately spanked my brain for even having the thought!

God help us (and I’m an atheist) when we give up our primal urges when it comes to being parents.

As a mom of a 3 year old, I can’t say what I’d do if I were in this awful position, but I do know I can’t judge them at all.

This is absolutely beautiful and heart shattering to read.

Medium is pretty damn integral when talking about art.