Dr. Giblet

Ooooooh! No one in your art school “likes” him! When I was in art school, it was hip to hate all the Abstract Expresionists. I’m actually no fan of Koons, but I recognize his place in contemporary art.

Right on. This is one of the dumber posts about art I’ve seen on Jezebel. I’m not a huge of Koons, but he’s a goddamn pop artist. Should we also bust Claes Oldenburg for not crediting the inventor of the shuttlecock or the hamburger when his work is exhibited in public places?

Exactly. Built to Spill is indie rock. They are in same family tree as the Pixies, not Soundgarden.

Built to Spill ain’t grunge my friend. Solidly indie rock.

I saw the Lemonhrads when in 1997 when I was a senior in highschool. Evan Dando was blitzed out of his mind. Ive got a pic of me & my baby faced friends with him! 

I know a lot about fashion, as I’ve worked in fashion for the past 15 years. I love Commes de Garçons. But I recognize that 90% of my non-fashion friends have no idea what Commes is just like they don’t know Margiela, etc. and that’s ok.

Actually the amount is $14k, and the recipient never owes taxes on a gift, just the giver.

Why would they? You only owe taxes on winnings, not gifts. The recipient of a gift never owes taxes, while the giver does for amounts over $14k. That said, I think gifts that go towards academics are exempt.

I didn’t swell at all (other than my belly, of course) during my pregnancy while my best friends face & ankles/feet swelled like crazy during hers. She could only wear flip flops for last 8 weeks because her shoes wouldn’t fit. Different bodies do different things.

My best friends face (and feet/ankles) were swollen with her face pregnancy & then extremely swollen towards the end of her 2nd pregnancy when she was carrying twins. Her lips & bridge of her nose were so much bigger she almost looked like a different person. It’s bloat from so much water retention.

It’s carpal tunnel, mine started right before I gave birth & then proceeded to get a lot worse after, and was exacerbated by the way I held my baby while nursing. And then it went away as mysteriously as it came on.  

This is my mantra/approach to eating.

I do! It’s one of my biggest motivators for running goddamn marathons.

Not sure that he’s a republican - i remember reading something negative he said about Trump & I honestly think he’s not bright enough to really care all that much either way. I do know he’s super Jesus-y though.

Amy Schumet can pee on me if she buys me a new mattress (hello back pain from my old one) as long as she also buys a pee sheet.

It hurts to look at this picture.

Proud to say my husband, tall, built and dark haired/olive completed looks nothing like my father or the rest of my very pale, blonde family.

And for the family of the dead and injured children, it’s a random act of terror. My heart is torn to pieces for them.

I irrationally like Mandy Moore. It’s not that I like anything she’s done, and I haven’t watched that tv show (sitcom? Miniseries?) she was on recently. I just like her face. But count me in for irrationally disliking Ryan Reynolds. Yuck.
