Dr. Giblet

I know peaches of human beings who were (barely) raised by horrible parents, and loving, engaged parents who have monsters for children. Not wanting to brand a 10 year old I’ve never met as a piece of shit is what separates me from Trump’s tremendously shitty supporters.

I’m not in the habit of calling 10 year olds who’ve never even opened their mouths in public “pieces of shit”. I’d like to think this trait separates me from Trump’s supporters.

There was no Texas team playing, so the stadium was filled with out of towers. She was also in Houston - the most ethnically diverse city in the entire country - and one that consistently votes democrat. Take your stereotypes elsewhere.

He doesn’t care about anyone (save perhaps his children? maybe?). He is a narcissist.

I despise Trump & think Ivanka is a snake who is trying to tap into some zeitgeist-y feminism while still reaping the benefits of her father & men of his ilk. That said, I could give a fuck less how much her dress cost. The stunning Michelle Obama wore gowns from Atelier Versace, Giambattisya Valli, Altuzarra and on

Were you pregnant with twins? Almost everyone I know who has had multiples has been lucky if they can keep those suckers in past 36 weeks. So along with the fact that she’ll be dancing on stage, it’s really not the same.

All I can say is that this show has made me fall in love with Jude Law all over again.

I can’t believe I’m wasting time answering someone as clueless as you seem to be, but here goes - I’ll name “a” more corrupt candidate, although if you were less intellectually lazy you could answer your own dumbass question.

Give it a rest. If you honestly believe her to be “the most corrupt candidate to ever run for President” than my guess is you voted for Trump & have an IQ in the double digits.

Nope. Disagree. I knew she’d get do much shit when I was watching this last night, but I feel like her long lost twin in terms of my inability to control my facial expressions. Actually, like both Winona & our former fabulous First Lady, I’ve got no poker face at all.

Me too! Except when I’m weeping. . .

I like that I’m a sympathetic person. I feel like it’s one of the many qualities that separate from right wingers.

Eminent domain.

Horrible. Her ex probably is a golddigger, but she is a bad fucking person. My heart aches for the rejection that child must feel.

It has to be written into the contract. I know people who have not gone through with using a surrogate because they were on different pages regarding the option to terminate (which is something all parties should be in agreement on, one way or the other).

Sure it does. A zygote is a living thing. It is not yet a fetus, nor is it a baby but that doesn’t mean it’s not alive. I’m wildly pro-choice, but to be pro-choice doesn’t mean one has to be anti-science.

A friend of mine recently terminated a pregnancy at about 21 weeks for this very reason. She and her husband were crushed, as they very much wanted the baby. I am enraged by people who think women who choose to get later term abortions do so lightly. She chose the option that made the most sense for her family,

I’d bet it is. She’s probably killed animals & other fucked up stuff. But had she not been caught no doubt she’d try again (and often).

I don’t disagree but it appears Texas has banned sentencing juvenile offenders to life. Which I think is generally the right thing, but ugh with this case. . .

Wrong. There are currently roughly 2500 individuals who were sentenced as juveniles to life without parole. The US is one of the few countries that actually allows this. I generally think it’s amoral that we do this, but geez, this girls description of herself as a psychopath seems pretty spot on. No doubt she will be