“Over $1MM invested in this build, worth $20MM+, we know what we have, no lowballers or Palestinians. Bring a trailer.”
Why does the hockey puck have a “R” in it? Is that some pittsburg thing?
Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.
“Health care” seems to be a trigger warning for Sage Steele at all times.
“Here’s the fastest way to defrost your car windows according to Russian science.”
Balance ball chairs, H&R Block tax software, and a $6 knife sharpener highlight today’s best deals. Bookmark Kinja…
Don’t forget that when a VIP rode along, an SR-71 pilot was getting air time either in the front seat, or in the instructor-pilot’s rear seat of the SR-71B or SR-71C.
(e) If, in the judgment of the umpire, a base runner willfully and deliberately interferes with a batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball with the obvious intent to break up a double play, the ball is dead. The umpire shall call the runner out for interference and also call out the batter-runner…
As has been said, the Cruze produces the emissions, but uses urea to clean them up after the fact. VW produces the emissions, then just lets them go out the tailpipe.
I have flown RC for years. This and a Phantom or Solo have very little in common appart from the 4 propelers. This is far more difficult to fly. Both the Phantom and Solo have GPS and programing that allows them to hover in place, launch and land themselves. They are designed primaraly as camera platforms. This little…
I have flown RC for years. This and a Phantom or Solo have very little in common appart from the 4 propelers. This…
THIS!? Coming from the same fucking guy who changed the pronunciation of his name so it would rhyme with Heisman.
Python? Is that an android phablet?
Python? Is that an android phablet?
It would be a hell of a catch if you guys can secure it.
Spot on article yet again, Tyler. I'm in the keep the A-10 camp, even with alot out there overstating about its capabilities — But the Sandy mission is no joke. No one can do it better than the Hogs and I want them on the battlefield ready to do this if we ever need it.
So there is a possibility that the pilots might here this very soon ?
Glad everyone made it home safe
I know the guy who owns the car he is a good driver its a stock miata motor wise has a locker in the rear and some steering upgrades and he all ready has it fixed dam near and its about to get a caged built and he is a good driver just hit that birm