

You just did.

Wow. Just Wow. 1.05% Wow...  At the very least get yourself into CD’s..

If you show up in an F1 car it would show that you spent way more money than you should have before reading the first rule of the race.

Probably he didn't take any physical action to avoid the situation prior to impact. He could have, just didn't.

You poor poor thing living in the most densely populated state. That must be horrific!

I wonder how this will affect Nintendo’s stock price. LOL.

She was missing some tape and that threw her off, great to see young athletes with bodies so trashed they need to hold it together with tape.

Last I checked that is called a double dribble.

You fucking lied to your grandmother on her deathbed? What a fucking tool.


Radio Shack was dying long before Amazon.


It's not wrong, it's ok to celebrate when violent robbers like Mike Brown are killed during the getaway from their violent crime. These girls endangered everyone driving the way they did, lets be glad this is not like the Affluenza teen story.

Oh shut the fuck up. They didn't give a fuck and everybody is supposed to bend over backwards for them? Just shut the fuck up.

Dryers don’t have spin cycles.

"It played on his worst fears about himself and exacerbated the stigma and social isolation he feels as a stay-at-home, working class dad who’s unable to financially contribute to our household "

Of course it's possible that patriotic citizens choose to remain silent and not post photos and write articles publicizing the secrets.

Fuck space, how about we fund pediatric cancer research. Maybe we can talk about space when you can send a kid who was diagnosed with DIPG and cured.

Is it ok if I pull out first?