
“No one showered in high school. You practiced or played in a game, you put your school clothes back on, and then you went to Burger King.”

AYE! Got an unexpected call for a interview last week. My barber is across town and I didn’t have time to go, so I went to one near my job. That Son of a so and so jacked me up. No, JACKED me the F up. That was one week ago today. And I need at least another week for my line to come back in right. Maybe. The thought

AYE! Got an unexpected call for a interview last week. My barber is across town and I didn’t have time to go, so I went to one near my job. That Son of a so and so jacked me up. No, JACKED me the F up. That was one week ago today. And I need at least another week for my line to come back in right. Maybe. The thought

I went to one, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, better (and formerly) known as Cheyney State College. This HBCU week has brought back a lot of fond memories and I related to each writers experience. Salute to the VSB’s and I hope that HBCU week is officially a thing here annually.

Man, with the exception of minor things, I went to every HBCU that has been posted here, although Cheyney University was the actual one I went too. I see and feel the similarities, and it brings back fond memories of my “School dayz”.

Man, with the exception of minor things, I went to every HBCU that has been posted here, although Cheyney University was the actual one I went too. I see and feel the similarities, and it brings back fond memories of my “School dayz”.

I went to Cheyney University of PA, and you know, LU was one of our main rivalries. Now, during my time, we always came out on top (at least in basketball), but fux wit LU. When I went to visit Cheyney back in 1989 the area was so rural, I seriously had second thoughts about attending. In hindsight that brought

Laughed all the way thru this. However, you neglected to mention St. Ides and Old English which are on the level of Colt 45. Thankfully, as Steel reserve hit the scene, I was getting my “grown man on” and turned my nose up at Malt liquors, as if I didn’t spend the last several years downing 40's of St. Ides, and

Corey, this was brilliant. I am at work reading and wanted to fall out laughing thru out the article. *Daps*

I’d be thoroughly disappointed if my Mama cooked a pot of greens and there was no smoked turkey. In fact, having a HUGE chunk of smoked turkey (usually a wing) in my greens after it has summered for hours and broken apart in the greens is as important as the greens.

Trust, both of them will go down and disappear at a black BBQ without issue. After that first “good” bottle of choice is gone, the other stuff starts to taste a lot better. Especially if the music is on point. This is a non issue! 

Trust, both of them will go down and disappear at a black BBQ without issue. After that first “good” bottle of choice is gone, the other stuff starts to taste a lot better. Especially if the music is on point. This is a non issue!

Okay, you went positive, inspirational and “woke” on me with this list—and it’s a good list. A very good list. But when I think of blacka$$ songs, Cameo’s “Word Up”, and The Great— Oran “Juice” Jones “The Rain” immediately comes to mind. These are two of the blackest songs ever. #NoDebates

I’ve never heard brothers describe themselves as an “alpha male” in the hood. Some guys were tougher, more athletic or maybe even “gangsta”and we knowledge that. But the actual term Alpha male wasn’t a real thing in SE DC.  

This was funny, and I could relate, and I found myself chuckling thru out the read. Good job!

This was a dope journey and something I’d love to do.

I was born and raised in ward 8 SE -so I know the area like the back of my hand. Do what you have to do for the safety of your family. But, this area really is the next big thing in DC. Still a lot of work to be done, but the changes are evident. If I already had property there, I’d keep it. In a few more years