An article about snow effects in a recently released video game on a video game website is far less pointless and trivial then your comment about how everything you don’t personally find interesting is pointless and trivial.
An article about snow effects in a recently released video game on a video game website is far less pointless and trivial then your comment about how everything you don’t personally find interesting is pointless and trivial.
“but the money they got is from ads.”
So instead of denying that he did what you accused him of, he took issue with you calling the businesses he passed his donations though “shell corporations” arguing “Why those aren’t shell corporations at all, they are perfectly fine ongoing businesses with healthy revenue.” (paraphrased)
There have been 7 Kirby games released since 2010.... and most of them are good.
Because Darth Meow 504 these people aren’t doing it for “love of the game.” they are doing it to get attention, and money. No they don’t sell it but they sure do take donations...
I don’t know that I can let it slide that you listed Chrono Trigger as a Nintendo IP...
User Error (AKA consumer confusion) is the whole argument for the creation of IP law isn’t it?
The good news for Nintendo is that Japanese games are in vogue again.
I bought the Asian version of the game that has English translation and subtitles. Of course you don’t see me complaining about censorship.
You think the people who blame Columbine on Doom are the kind of people who would start and run Twitch?
Power Grid (aka Funkenschlag), (aka Hoogspanning) is a great game.
“There’s a difference between protecting an IP and exhausting resources looking for potential lawsuits.”
IF you think of the NX as the next entry in the DS family then it should have a great library.
“ People were horrified that he was supporting Trump”
“I mean we should be able to punish people for what they believe in.”
IT’s ZERO SECRET that I don’t give a fuck what the DEMS are or are not Doing. Trying to justify your terrible behavior by saying THEY STARTED IT is the kind of asshole justification that stops working in first grade.
His public statements are new and add a new context to the story.
This depends on what state you are in actually. Not all states have closed primaries. Some don’t have primaries at all.
Way to bury the lead.
The issue is that he spent money to support TROLLS PERIOD.