Well I’ve clearly missed something while I’ve been away.
Well I’ve clearly missed something while I’ve been away.
Yes, I did this with Persona 5. I’ve really been wanting to play it again recently, but I have no idea what I was doing, who the characters are or any of the mechanics.
The real news here is the unlimited crafting storage. Storage space has been one of THE biggest complaints in 76. Paying for unlimited storage is likely to peeve a few people.
Most real people like things. The internet amplifies the haters, many of whom are bandwagon haters.
I’m curious is it had been exclusive to steam instead of Epic, would you have had the same reaction? Is it exclusivity that is angering you, or epic?
Hey, maybe I can finally win a game of Fortnite.
Wait, Georgia? The hell, is HBO changing the location? The book is set in Oklahoma and it works great, and I’m not just sating that because I live here.
What’s the point of balance in a game about finding big guns and blowing stuff up? Borderlands was never about balance, it’s ridiculous.
One good thing is that, if you don’t play online, you don’t HAVE to update the game. I haven’t yet and I’m still having a hellava a good time blasting everything into oblivion with my Flakker.
Borderlands, as a series, has always been about crazy powerful guns. I feel like the people pushing for nerfs have never played borderlands games before and think it’s supposed to be like every other game where there’s a “sandbox” that has to constantly be “balanced” when that’s totally against the game’s whole…
I have no idea why Gearbox is employing nerfs in this game. Borderlands is not an MMO, this is not a game that needs nerfs. Like you said, just buff the ones that aren’t working, fine, but the whole point of Borderlands games is to have crazy guns. Why would you then decide “maybe these guns are a bit too crazy?”…
Rope in your acquaintances?
“Sam, I know we only talk when we bump into each other at the copier, but have I got a game for you.”
Drawful begs to differ!
What if the brainless blob monster has the nuke codes?
Right? How dare someone not dedicate their entire lives to a *gasp* hobby!
I live near Tulsa and feel the same. When I read “You can see how much the Tulsa PD are dealing with,” it was a weirdly surreal experience.
Holy cringe, Batman.
I’m still playing after platinuming the game which I didn’t expect, even though I’m a big borderlands fan. They got the legendary drop rate juuuusssst right to keep me playing. Even if I keep getting the same damn Storm sniper over and over.
I can pull way more legendaries farming the Slaughter shaft on mayhem 3 than the slots.
I’ve been playing Destiny since the beta (I know, I know) But I stopped playing D2 shortly after they changed up the eververse store this summer to look more F2P. I knew bad things were coming. I logged back in last night for the first time to see if all the changes from new light were worth it and it feels even more…