
this post is like reverse psychology man

come on, the Matrix is the best! that should be in first place not second

Almost looks like the guy from the Waiters movie, im hoping there's no "batwing" on the posters lol

with google glasses recording will be a breeze "p

I hope all these parodies drive Google to make the glasses into something better

WHAT? you mean i could pay $5 bucks for someone to do my hw, and here my classmate offers $20

Chrome. Even though its in beta right now I use it a LOT on my transformer prime. Used to use Dolphin Religiously on my Cappy.

I like how this post was made right when i was sneezing all day today

Transformer Prime, oh yeah

that's why it says iphone, but you're right, there are dumb people out there.

you didn't see the samsung laptop mentioned? plus there's different kinds depending on what you want, just for internet browsing, gaming, shit like that which differs from person to person.

I thought the best way to re purpose old hardware was to use it as a paperweight or a doorstop? "p

how did this go from apple ratings to windows ratings?

Unless you're very prone to starting fires that should be the least of your concerns man

Then only one other option, root your Android to tether your iPad or Jailbreak iPhone to tether iPad, problem solved "p

im surprised to not even see the kindle fire mentioned on here especially since it was suppose to be an iPad killer.

the feature imo sucks, the images are low quality and it's much harder to keep the iphone stable than i thought. pan apps work better than this, its no wonder it was unleashed yet

would there be a way for this to work on mac?

I've been wanting that vaporizer to smoke my medicals, especially because of its portability and practically no harmful chemicals like plastic or gas.

Now i can stash my weed, "p