Giancarlo Roman

True. It doesn't take smarts to become a president in Peru.
Regarding his daughter, it looks like she might become president after all this 2016. She's ahead in the polls. And the guy right after her has a long list of corruption charges and was denounced by his wife for hitting her on several occasions. Oh well, let's

Ahhh… Alberto Fujimori… he's in jail now for human rights violations. Was president of Peru for 10 years and when all his wrongdoings were exposed, escaped to Japan claiming he also had a Japanese nationality. He resigned via fax from Japan.

this was awesome ! I also think copacetic would have been a better word to use instead of amicable.

Did anyone else notice how in the last scene Dong was dressed like Rick Moranis in GhostbusterS? Which in turn mirrored the earlier line by Dong: "Like the restaurant in Ghostbusters, where Rick Moranis gets turned into the Keymaster?"

A rap, rap, a rap rap rap. A rap, rap, a rap tap tap. Get rappin' with it. Heyyyyy. Get rappin' with it. Hohhhh!

It seems that there's only one Sketchistory per year. And it always comes out in January. WHERE'S THIS YEAR'S SKETCHISTORY? I'm hoping it's something from Human Giant.

Looks like he was a yokai or forest spirit that lived in the nature.

I rember one of the killers was some kind of forest god / sprite